Creativity is tricky.

We begin by saying so because to be creative consistently you will be required to do things that you are not good at, abandon things that you have just learned to be good at, and most importantly fight feverishly with your own self.

None of the above is easy. Forget easy, it is not desirable either. No one in their right frame of mind would want to put themselves through this but then no one in their right frame of mind would want to be creative either. We say so because being creative requires firing up substantially more brain cells. It is therefore to realize and understand that your biggest enemy standing in the way of your becoming creative is your brain. Separate its existence from yours.

This book, by making you do many many things, wants to be your co-passenger in a journey where the learning goals are to understand creativity by exploring it and to enhance your inner creativity by experimenting with it.

Creativity is something that exists within you. So you dont need to foray far away from you or venture into exotic places. You are very much it. Hence, this experimentation and intention to get in touch with creativity is nothing other than the act of discovering your true self, which at the moment is hidden somewhere in your blindside.

All I want you not to forget is that, “Creativity is tricky.”


Dr. Y


The book is likely to have the following chapters and table of contents.


What is creativity?

Poesis – the ability to create something out of nothing


  • Define creativity and explain its significance in both personal and professional contexts
  • Examine the role of creativity in problem-solving and innovation.


Thinking Creatively in Day-to-Day Life

  • Creativity as a means of learning and an end to learning survival skill in the rapidly changing world
  • Apply creative thinking techniques to everyday tasks and challenges.
  • Develop habits and routines that foster daily creativity.

– in learning, in professional life, in daily existence

this is a place where acknowledging those living with disabilities already
think creatively as people who must live in an able-centric world


Creative Freedom


Silos of Safety

  • Explain the concept of “silos of safety” and how they can both hinder and facilitate creativity.
  • Identify strategies for breaking down silos and promoting creativity outside of our silos of safety.


Confines of Conformity

  • Explain the ways in which societal and organizational conformity can limit creative thinking.
  • Explore historical and contemporary examples of individuals or groups who have successfully defied conformity to innovate.


Crisis in Confidence

  • Identify the psychological barriers to creative confidence and their origins.
  • Develop strategies to build and maintain confidence in one’s creative abilities.
  • Assess the role of failure and resilience in the creative process.


Fluency, originality, flexibility, & elaboration (Being Creative)

  • Define and differentiate between fluency, originality, flexibility, and elaboration as components of creativity.
  • Apply techniques to enhance each of these components in creative endeavors.
  • Evaluate the interrelationship of these components in producing high-quality creative work.


Creative Cliff Illusion


AI and Creativity (Creative Intelligence (CI))

  • Explain the concept of Creative Intelligence (CI) and its relevance to AI.
  • Analyze the potential and limitations of AI in augmenting human creativity.
  • Explore ethical considerations and future implications of AI-driven creativity.



Unleashing Creative Thinking Copyright © by Arpan Yagnik. All Rights Reserved.

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