1 Defining Creativity

Creativity is a transformational force. Understanding transformational forces is challenging but not impossible.

Let’s look at three definitions/understandings of creativity.

  1. Creativity is the ability to come up with novel and unique ideas.
  2. Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas that have a value.
  3. Creativity comprises the drive and ability to make something new or to connect the seemingly unconnected in significant ways so as to enrich our understanding of ourselves, our communities, the world, and the universe that we inhabit.

Out of these three, our favorite definition/understanding of creativity is the third one. There are a few reasons for it being our favorite. The first is that we discovered it not in any of the textbooks or scholarly articles, unlike the other two. We like it because we wrote it. We like it because we went above and beyond to find or discover an understanding of Creativity that is not in textbooks and scholarly articles.

Our second reason for it being our favorite is that it portrays creativity as a holistic concept. It is important to note that creativity is positioned at a cognitive level and not an applied level. It does not promise anything great or amazing. All it says is that creativity will enrich our understanding of our own selves, and our surroundings. Enhanced understanding of one’s own self is a big battle won.

Our third reason for this understanding being our favorite is because it eliminates trivialities from being anywhere in the vicinity of creativity. This understanding invokes the word “significant.” Significance is a tremendously powerful word. When you get an invitation, the invitation says please bring your “significant other

Our fourth reason for this understanding being on the top of our list is that it is a combination of drive and ability, which are both well within the reach of those who aspire to acquire them. Being born creative is a thing. We will not negate it entirely because there is something in it we feel that we cannot entirely discard. But we are even more powerful believers that creativity is a skill that can be developed. All one needs is the drive to want it and to continually strive to enhance their ability. Creativity as a raw mindset may have some links to things that are beyond us, but creativity as a skill is well within everyone’s reach.

Our fifth reason is that this is a hidden gem. This understanding, which in our opinion is the best understanding, is hidden in the FAQ section of the MacArthur Genius webpage. One needs to really want to see it and find it to actually be able to stumble upon it. Also, MacArthur Genius, in our humble opinion, is the biggest and best honor that anybody can get. Any reward of this magnitude, when it comes with no strings attached, is a real honor.





Understanding creativity

Enhancing it

and then using it


Unleashing Creative Thinking Copyright © by Arpan Yagnik. All Rights Reserved.

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