About the HxLibraries Symposium

Modeled on the Heterodox Canada Symposium, the HxLibraries Symposium is an opportunity for participants to explore ideas related to library theory and practice, information science, and information culture.

Most symposia are one hour long beginning with remarks from a keynote speaker (25-30 mins.) followed by small group discussion (15-20 mins.) and concluding with Q&A (15 mins.).

Beginning in spring 2024, HxLibraries is offering an expanded, full-day symposium format including a keynote lecture, invited panelists, lightning talks, and a common read book discussion.

Past Symposia


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Curiosity, Controversy, and Intellectual Courage Copyright © 2024 by Sarah Hartman-Caverly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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