12 Problems with the Public Sector

12.1 The design of a tax system

Review Activities


No problems for this section.

External Resources

Khan Academy: Tax Brackets and Progressive Taxation

12.2 role of the government

Review Activities


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External Resources

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12.3 growth of government

Review Activities


Problem 12.3.1: Suppose that a government begins with $0 in debt. Complete the table below. All values are given in billions of dollars.

Year Revenue Spending Surplus/Deficit Debt
2017 $550 $600
2018 $575 $600
2019 $600 $600
2020 $650 $625

Solutions: -50,-50; -25,-75; 0,-75; +25,-50

External Resources

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12.4 collective action and the inefficiency of government

Review Activities


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External Resources

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12.5 when government works well

Review Activities


No problems for this section.

External Resources

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12.6 when government works poorly

Review Activities


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External Resources

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Student Companion for Introduction to Microeconomics Copyright © by J. Zachary Klingensmith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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