

I retired from The Pennsylvania State University in 2007 after a long career in educational media at Penn State and the University of Maryland University College.  In the last decade of my career, I served as Associate Vice President for Outreach for Continuing and Distance Education at Penn State and was the founding Executive Director of the Penn State World Campus.  After my retirement, I began a blog and wrote many postings about my experience with educational media and, in particular, the emerging role of online learning at our universities.  I’ve collected 15 of those posts into this collection, which I hope will be of interest to colleagues in the field.  Because these were all independent postings, I am sorry to say you may find some ideas being repeated along the way, but I hope you will find the collection to be helpful in your own work.


Gary E. Miller, D.Ed.

Executive Director Emeritus

Penn State World Campus

July 2018


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