
50 “The Lay of Sir Launfal” (1160-1215)

With an Introduction by Christine Trageser

Marie de France


An illustration featuring Sir Launfal in the center, dressing in his armor except for his helmet. He looks slightly up and to the left. There is a man kneeling on his left side, bent over Sir Launfal's boots, fastening them. To Launfal's right are his feathered helmet and his shield.
The Arming of Sir Launfal by Edmund H. Garrett is in the Public Domain.

Marie de France is the earliest known female French poet and is celebrated for her verse narratives, which contain romantic and magical themes (“Marie De France: French Poet”). She is most famous for lais (lays), or short, romantic, courtly stories composed in Anglo Norman, but she has also been identified as the author of fables and religious texts (Rampton). Her literary activity is believed to have taken place sometime in England between 1180 and 1189 (Webb, Hunt).  Marie de France’s true origins and identity are still a mystery. It is hypothesized, however, through evidence gathered from her work and its surrounding contexts, that she may have been a nun or even a member of King Henry II’s court. These possible identities could have been the catalyst of the romantic ideas she implemented in her numerous tales. If she were a nun, living under the doctrines and vows of such a position, Marie de France could have written fantasies of a life she knew she would never be granted, turning them into flowing stories. Alternatively, as a member of King Henry II’s court, it is possible that she could have come in direct contact with Marie de Champagne, a Countess, and drawn inspiration for her courtly tales from her fellow Marie. The hypotheses of her identity stem from multiple sources. The first of which is her writing as, once it is analyzed, it clearly shows that it comes from an educated party and displays a distinctly aristocratic outlook. She undoubtedly demonstrates, throughout her works, an intimate knowledge of a variety of languages (English, French, Latin, Welsh, Anglo-Norman, and the dialect of the Britons) and of the works of Ovid and Wace, along with a variety of Briton lore (Rampton, Hunt). This knowledge hints at the possibility of her place in court or of her high-born status. As a high-born or noble woman, if not placed in court, it is likely that she would have become a nun in order to obtain an education (among other perks), which is an idea supported by the fact that early manuscripts of her lais were discovered in an abbey (Webb). Whether she spent her time in King Henry II’s court or studying and practicing religion, one truth remains: Marie de France, in the turmoil of her changing country, helped to pave the way for a new, courtly literary style where romance themes and sources were allegorized (Rampton).

Marie de France, in addition to her illustrious literary career, has also been credited as the innovator of the literary genre of Chivalric literature (though this has been contested), contributing to the development of the Arthurian Legend, and creating what are now known as Breton lais (Mark, “Marie De France”). Though Marie de France’s Breton lais are the earliest of their kind to have survived in writing, there were earlier lais of Celtic origin which were composed as songs with lyrics intended to commemorate important events and were performed by minstrels (New World Encyclopedia Writers, “Marie De France”). Though none of these lyrical Celtic lais have survived in their original form, some were inducted into the narrative form by Marie de France. It is thought that most Celtic lais were preceded by a narrative that was the basis their transformations into narrative lais (New World Encyclopedia Writers). Though it could be argued that Marie de France was simply copying down someone else’s words, what she accomplished was much more than that. She was able to take a musical and lyrical composition and transform it into a carefully crafted and reshaped story with individualized heroes, trials, and succinct drama. Marie de France was able to transform these lyrical, symbolic, and intense songs into narrative, rhyming and octosyllabic couplets which, in turn, de-emphasized the lyric content of the works and made it clear that they were not intended to be sung (“Marie de France”). Out of Marie de France’s works, only one, despite her aristocratic and Celtic knowledge, deals with Arthurian legends: “The Lay of Sir Launfal” (Hunt; see Figure 1).

However, despite its roots in the legend of King Arthur, the lai makes many connections to the popular events and ideas of Marie de France’s time (“The Lais of Marie De France”). In all of her works, Marie de France played to her audience’s sympathies and understandings. She made it known that she saw everyone as equals regardless of class background and was an advocate for women’s equality. Her alliance with women and feminist ideas were made clear throughout her works as she continuously inverted the trope of courtly love. The best example of this in “The Lay of Sir Launfal” is when Sir Launfal is in trouble and he takes the symbolic place of the “damsel in distress” as his Lady comes to save him. Marie de France’s compassion for the lower class is also evident in this lai (Mark, “Marie De France.”). It is made clear that Sir Launfal is a later-born son, meaning he has older brothers. As such, he does not receive as much support from his family and seems to have already spent through what little inheritance he was awarded. Due to this, especially compared with the other knights in Arthur’s court, he struggles to survive off what he earns (“The Lais of Marie De France”). This lai is a vehicle for Maire de France to illustrate both the problems in society and where one’s sympathies should lie. Marie de France, in “The Lay of Sir Launfal,” succeeded in transforming one genre into another while integrating the problems and concerns of the people of her time.

“The Lay of Sir Launfal”

I will tell you the story of another Lay. It relates the adventures of a rich and mighty baron, and the Breton calls it, the Lay of Sir Launfal.

King Arthur—that fearless knight and courteous lord—removed to Wales, and lodged at Caerleon-on-Usk, since the Picts and Scots did much mischief in the land. For it was the wont of the wild people of the north to enter in the realm of Logres, and burn and damage at their will. At the time of Pentecost, the King cried a great feast. Thereat he gave many rich gifts to his counts and barons, and to the Knights of the Round Table. Never were such worship and bounty shown before at any feast, for Arthur bestowed honours and lands on all his servants—save only on one. This lord, who was forgotten and misliked of the King, was named Launfal. He was beloved by many of the Court, because of his beauty and prowess, for he was a worthy knight, open of heart and heavy of hand. These lords, to whom their comrade was dear, felt little joy to see so stout a knight misprized. Sir Launfal was son to a King of high descent, though his heritage was in a distant land. He was of the King’s household, but since Arthur gave him naught, and he was of too proud a mind to pray for his due, he had spent all that he had. Right heavy was Sir Launfal, when he considered these things, for he knew himself taken in the toils[1]. Gentles, marvel not overmuch hereat. Ever must the pilgrim go heavily in a strange land, where there is none to counsel and direct him in the path.

Now, on a day, Sir Launfal got him on his horse, that he might take his pleasure for a little. He came forth from the city, alone, attended by neither servant nor squire. He went his way through a green mead, till he stood by a river of clear running water. Sir Launfal would have crossed this stream, without thought of pass or ford, but he might not do so, for reason that his horse was all fearful and trembling. Seeing that he was hindered in this fashion, Launfal unbitted his steed, and let him pasture in that fair meadow, where they had come. Then he folded his cloak to serve him as a pillow, and lay upon the ground. Launfal lay in great misease, because of his heavy thoughts, and the discomfort of his bed. He turned from side to side, and might not sleep. Now as the knight looked towards the river he saw two damsels coming towards him; fairer maidens Launfal had never seen. These two maidens were richly dressed in kirtles closely laced and shapen to their persons and wore mantles of a goodly purple hue. Sweet and dainty were the damsels, alike in raiment and in face. The elder of these ladies carried in her hands a basin of pure gold, cunningly wrought by some crafty smith—very fair and precious was the cup; and the younger bore a towel of soft white linen. These maidens turned neither to the right hand nor to the left, but went directly to the place where Launfal lay. When Launfal saw that their business was with him, he stood upon his feet, like a discreet and courteous gentleman. After they had greeted the knight, one of the maidens delivered the message with which she was charged.

“Sir Launfal, my demoiselle, as gracious as she is fair, prays that you will follow us, her messengers, as she has a certain word to speak with you. We will lead you swiftly to her pavilion, for our lady is very near at hand. If you but lift your eyes you may see where her tent is spread.”

Right glad was the knight to do the bidding of the maidens. He gave no heed to his horse, but left him at his provand in the meadow. All his desire was to go with the damsels, to that pavilion of silk and divers colours, pitched in so fair a place. Certainly neither Semiramis[2] in the days of her most wanton power, nor Octavian, the Emperor of all the West, had so gracious a covering from sun and rain. Above the tent was set an eagle of gold, so rich and precious, that none might count the cost. The cords and fringes thereof were of silken thread, and the lances which bore aloft the pavilion were of refined gold. No King on earth might have so sweet a shelter, not though he gave in fee the value of his realm. Within this pavilion Launfal came upon the Maiden. Whiter she was than any altar lily, and more sweetly flushed than the new born rose in time of summer heat. She lay upon a bed with napery and coverlet of richer worth than could be furnished by a castle’s spoil. Very fresh and slender showed the lady in her vesture of spotless linen. About her person she had drawn a mantle of ermine, edged with purple dye from the vats of Alexandria. By reason of the heat her raiment was unfastened for a little, and her throat and the rondure of her bosom showed whiter and more untouched than hawthorn in May. The knight came before the bed, and stood gazing on so sweet a sight. The Maiden beckoned him to draw near, and when he had seated himself at the foot of her couch, spoke her mind.

“Launfal,” she said, “fair friend, it is for you that I have come from my own far land. I bring you my love. If you are prudent and discreet, as you are goodly to the view, there is no emperor nor count, nor king, whose day shall be so filled with riches and with mirth as yours.”

When Launfal heard these words he rejoiced greatly, for his heart was litten by another’s torch.

“Fair lady,” he answered, “since it pleases you to be so gracious, and to dower so graceless a knight with your love, there is naught that you may bid me do—right or wrong, evil or good—that I will not do to the utmost of my power. I will observe your commandment, and serve in your quarrels. For you I renounce my father and my father’s house. This only I pray, that I may dwell with you in your lodging, and that you will never send me from your side.”

When the Maiden heard the words of him whom so fondly she desired to love, she was altogether moved, and granted him forthwith her heart and her tenderness. To her bounty she added another gift besides. Never might Launfal be desirous of aught, but he would have according to his wish. He might waste and spend at will and pleasure, but in his purse ever there was to spare. No more was Launfal sad. Right merry was the pilgrim, since one had set him on the way, with such a gift, that the more pennies he bestowed, the more silver and gold were in his pouch.

But the Maiden had yet a word to say.

“Friend,” she said, “hearken to my counsel. I lay this charge upon you, and pray you urgently, that you tell not to any man the secret of our love. If you show this matter, you will lose your friend, for ever and a day. Never again may you see my face. Never again will you have seisin of that body, which is now so tender in your eyes.”

Launfal plighted faith, that right strictly he would observe this commandment. So the Maiden granted him her kiss and her embrace, and very sweetly in that fair lodging passed the day till evensong was come.

Right loath was Launfal to depart from the pavilion at the vesper[3] hour, and gladly would he have stayed, had he been able, and his lady wished.

“Fair friend,” said she, “rise up, for no longer may you tarry. The hour is come that we must part. But one thing I have to say before you go. When you would speak with me I shall hasten to come before your wish. Well I deem that you will only call your friend where she may be found without reproach or shame of men. You may see me at your pleasure; my voice shall speak softly in your ear at will; but I must never be known of your comrades, nor must they ever learn my speech.” Right joyous was Launfal to hear this thing. He sealed the covenant with a kiss, and stood upon his feet. Then there entered the two maidens who had led him to the pavilion, bringing with them rich raiment, fitting for a knight’s apparel. When Launfal had clothed himself therewith, there seemed no goodlier varlet under heaven, for certainly he was fair and true. After these maidens had refreshed him with clear water, and dried his hands upon the napkin, Launfal went to meat. His friend sat at table with him, and small will had he to refuse her courtesy. Very serviceably the damsels bore the meats, and Launfal and the Maiden ate and drank with mirth and content. But one dish was more to the knight’s relish than any other. Sweeter than the dainties within his mouth, was the lady’s kiss upon his lips. When supper was ended, Launfal rose from table, for his horse stood waiting without the pavilion. The destrier was newly saddled and bridled, and showed proudly in his rich gay trappings. So Launfal kissed, and bade farewell, and went his way. He rode back towards the city at a slow pace. Often he checked his steed, and looked behind him, for he was filled with amazement, and all bemused concerning this adventure. In his heart he doubted that it was but a dream. He was altogether astonished, and knew not what to do. He feared that pavilion and Maiden alike were from the realm of faery. 

Launfal returned to his lodging, and was greeted by servitors, clad no longer in ragged raiment. He fared richly, lay softly, and spent largely, but never knew how his purse was filled. There was no lord who had need of a lodging in the town, but Launfal brought him to his hall, for refreshment and delight. Launfal bestowed rich gifts. Launfal redeemed the poor captive. Launfal clothed in scarlet the minstrel. Launfal gave honour where honour was due. Stranger and friend alike he comforted at need. So, whether by night or by day, Launfal lived greatly at his ease. His lady, she came at will and pleasure, and, for the rest, all was added unto him.

Now it chanced, the same year, about the feast of St. John, a company of knights came, for their solace, to an orchard, beneath that tower where dwelt the Queen.

Together with these lords went Gawain and his cousin, Yvain the fair. Then said Gawain, that goodly knight, beloved and dear to all,

“Lords, we do wrong to disport ourselves in this pleasaunce without our comrade Launfal. It is not well to slight a prince as brave as he is courteous, and of a lineage prouder than our own.”

Then certain of the lords returned to the city, and finding Launfal within his hostel, entreated him to take his pastime with them in that fair meadow. The Queen looked out from a window in her tower, she and three ladies of her fellowship. They saw the lords at their pleasure, and Launfal also, whom well they knew. So the Queen chose of her Court thirty damsels—the sweetest of face and most dainty of fashion—and commanded that they should descend with her to take their delight in the garden. When the knights beheld this gay company of ladies come down the steps of the perron, they rejoiced beyond measure. They hastened before to lead them by the hand, and said such words in their ear as were seemly and pleasant to be spoken. Amongst these merry and courteous lords hasted not Sir Launfal. He drew apart from the throng, for with him time went heavily, till he might have clasp and greeting of his friend. The ladies of the Queen’s fellowship seemed but kitchen wenches to his sight, in comparison with the loveliness of the maiden. When the Queen marked Launfal go aside, she went his way, and seating herself upon the herb, called the knight before her. Then she opened out her heart.

“Launfal, I have honoured you for long as a worthy knight, and have praised and cherished you very dearly. You may receive a queen’s whole love, if such be your care. Be content: he to whom my heart is given, has small reason to complain him of the alms.”

“Lady,” answered the knight, “grant me leave to go, for this grace is not for me. I am the King’s man, and dare not break my troth. Not for the highest lady in the world, not even for her love, will I set this reproach upon my lord.”

When the Queen heard this, she was full of wrath, and spoke many hot and bitter words.

“Launfal,” she cried, “well I know that you think little of woman and her love. There are sins more black that a man may have upon his soul. Traitor you are, and false. Right evil counsel gave they to my lord, who prayed him to suffer you about his person. You remain only for his harm and loss.”

Launfal was very dolent to hear this thing. He was not slow to take up the Queen’s glove, and in his haste spake words that he repented long, and with tears. “Lady,” said he, “I am not of that guild of which you speak. Neither am I a despiser of woman, since I love, and am loved, of one who would bear the prize from all the ladies in the land. Dame, know now and be persuaded, that she, whom I serve, is so rich in state, that the very meanest of her maidens, excels you, Lady Queen, as much in clerkly skill and goodness, as in sweetness of body and face, and in every virtue.” 

The Queen rose straightway to her feet, and fled to her chamber, weeping. Right wrathful and heavy was she, because of the words that had besmirched her.

She lay sick upon her bed, from which, she said, she would never rise, till the King had done her justice, and righted this bitter wrong. Now the King that day had taken his pleasure within the woods. He returned from the chase towards evening, and sought the chamber of the Queen. When the lady saw him, she sprang from her bed, and kneeling at his feet, pleaded for grace and pity. Launfal—she said— had shamed her, since he required her love. When she had put him by, very foully had he reviled her, boasting that his love was already set on a lady, so proud and noble, that her meanest wench went more richly, and smiled more sweetly, than the Queen. Thereat the King waxed marvellously wrathful, and swore a great oath that he would set Launfal within a fire, or hang him from a tree, if he could not deny this thing, before his peers.

Arthur came forth from the Queen’s chamber, and called to him three of his lords. These he sent to seek the knight who so evilly had entreated the Queen. Launfal, for his part, had returned to his lodging, in a sad and sorrowful case. He saw very clearly that he had lost his friend, since he had declared their love to men. Launfal sat within his chamber, sick and heavy of thought. Often he called upon his friend, but the lady would not hear his voice. He bewailed his evil lot, with tears; for grief he came nigh to swoon; a hundred times he implored the Maiden that she would deign to speak with her knight. Then, since the lady yet refrained from speech, Launfal cursed his hot and unruly tongue. Very near he came to ending all this trouble with his knife. Naught he found to do but to wring his hands, and call upon the Maiden, begging her to forgive his trespass, and to talk with him again, as friend to friend.

But little peace is there for him who is harassed by a King. There came presently to Launfal’s hostel those three barons from the Court. These bade the knight forthwith to go with them to Arthur’s presence, to acquit him of this wrong against the Queen. Launfal went forth, to his own deep sorrow. Had any man slain him on the road, he would have counted him his friend. He stood before the King, downcast and speechless, being dumb by reason of that great grief, of which he showed the picture and image.

Arthur looked upon his captive very evilly.

“Vassal,” said he, harshly, “you have done me a bitter wrong. It was a foul deed to seek to shame me in this ugly fashion, and to smirch the honour of the Queen. Is it folly or lightness which leads you to boast of that lady, the least of whose maidens is fairer, and goes more richly, than the Queen?”

Launfal protested that never had he set such shame upon his lord. Word by word he told the tale of how he denied the Queen, within the orchard. But concerning that which he had spoken of the lady, he owned the truth, and his folly. The love of which he bragged was now lost to him, by his own exceeding fault. He cared little for his life, and was content to obey the judgment of the Court.

Right wrathful was the King at Launfal’s words. He conjured his barons to give him such wise counsel herein, that wrong might be done to none. The lords did the King’s bidding, whether good came of the matter, or evil. They gathered themselves together, and appointed a certain day that Launfal should abide the judgment of his peers. For his part Launfal must give pledge and surety to his lord, that he would come before this judgment in his own body. If he might not give such surety then he should be held captive till the appointed day. When the lords of the King’s household returned to tell him of their counsel, Arthur demanded that Launfal should put such pledge in his hand, as they had said. Launfal was altogether mazed and bewildered at this judgment, for he had neither friend nor kindred in the land. He would have been set in prison, but Gawain came first to offer himself as his surety, and with him, all the knights of his fellowship. These gave into the King’s hand as pledge, the fiefs and lands that they held of his Crown. The King having taken pledges from the sureties, Launfal returned to his lodging, and with him certain knights of his company. They blamed him greatly because of his foolish love, and chastened him grievously by reason of the sorrow he made before men. Every day they came to his chamber, to know of his meat and drink, for much they feared that presently he would become mad.

The lords of the household came together on the day appointed for this judgment. The King was on his chair, with the Queen sitting at his side. The sureties brought Launfal within the hall, and rendered him into the hands of his peers. Right sorrowful were they because of his plight. A great company of his fellowship did all that they were able to acquit him of this charge. When all was set out, the King demanded the judgment of the Court, according to the accusation and the answer. The barons went forth in much trouble and thought to consider this matter. Many amongst them grieved for the peril of a good knight in a strange land; others held that it were well for Launfal to suffer, because of the wish and malice of their lord. Whilst they were thus perplexed, the Duke of Cornwall rose in the council, and said,

“Lords, the King pursues Launfal as a traitor, and would slay him with the sword, by reason that he bragged of the beauty of his maiden, and roused the jealousy of the Queen. By the faith that I owe this company, none complains of Launfal, save only the King. For our part we would know the truth of this business, and do justice between the King and his man. We would also show proper reverence to our own liege lord. Now, if it be according to Arthur’s will, let us take oath of Launfal, that he seek this lady, who has put such strife between him and the Queen. If her beauty be such as he has told us, the Queen will have no cause for wrath. She must pardon Launfal for his rudeness, since it will be plain that he did not speak out of a malicious heart. Should Launfal fail his word, and not return with the lady, or should her fairness fall beneath his boast, then let him be cast off from our fellowship, and be sent forth from the service of the King.”

This counsel seemed good to the lords of the household. They sent certain of his friends to Launfal, to acquaint him with their judgment, bidding him to pray his damsel to the Court, that he might be acquitted of this blame. The knight made answer that in no wise could he do this thing. So the sureties returned before the judges, saying that Launfal hoped neither for refuge nor for succour from the lady, and Arthur urged them to a speedy ending, because of the prompting of the Queen.

The judges were about to give sentence upon Launfal, when they saw two maidens come riding towards the palace, upon two white ambling palfreys. Very sweet and dainty were these maidens, and richly clothed in garments of crimson sendal, closely girt and fashioned to their bodies. All men, old and young, looked willingly upon them, for fair they were to see. Gawain, and three knights of his company, went straight to Launfal, and showed him these maidens, praying him to say which of them was his friend. But he answered never a word. The maidens dismounted from their palfreys, and coming before the dais where the King was seated, spake him fairly, as they were fair.

“Sire, prepare now a chamber, hung with silken cloths, where it is seemly for my lady to dwell; for she would lodge with you awhile.”

This gift the King granted gladly. He called to him two knights of his household, and bade them bestow the maidens in such chambers as were fitting to their degree. The maidens being gone, the King required of his barons to proceed with their judgment, saying that he had sore displeasure at the slowness of the cause.

“Sire,” replied the barons, “we rose from Council, because of the damsels who entered in the hall. We will at once resume the sitting, and give our judgment without more delay.”

The barons again were gathered together, in much thought and trouble, to consider this matter. There was great strife and dissension amongst them, for they knew not what to do. In the midst of all this noise and tumult, there came two other damsels riding to the hall on two Spanish mules. Very richly arrayed were these damsels in raiment of fine needlework, and their kirtles were covered by fresh fair mantles, embroidered with gold. Great joy had Launfal’s comrades when they marked these ladies. They said between themselves that doubtless they came for the succour of the good knight. Gawain, and certain of his company, made haste to Launfal, and said, “Sir, be not cast down. Two ladies are near at hand, right dainty of dress, and gracious of person. Tell us truly, for the love of God, is one of these your friend?”

But Launfal answered very simply that never before had he seen these damsels with his eyes, nor known and loved them in his heart.

The maidens dismounted from their mules, and stood before Arthur, in the sight of all. Greatly were they praised of many, because of their beauty, and of the colour of their face and hair. Some there were who deemed already that the Queen was overborne.

The elder of the damsels carried herself modestly and well, and sweetly told over the message wherewith she was charged.

“Sire, make ready for us chambers, where we may abide with our lady, for even now she comes to speak with thee.”

The King commanded that the ladies should be led to their companions, and bestowed in the same honourable fashion as they. Then he bade the lords of his household to consider their judgment, since he would endure no further respite. The Court already had given too much time to the business, and the Queen was growing wrathful, because of the blame that was hers. Now the judges were about to proclaim their sentence, when, amidst the tumult of the town, there came riding to the palace the flower of all the ladies of the world. She came mounted upon a palfrey, white as snow, which carried her softly, as though she loved her burthen. Beneath the sky was no goodlier steed, nor one more gentle to the hand. The harness of the palfrey was so rich, that no king on earth might hope to buy trappings so precious, unless he sold or set his realm in pledge. The Maiden herself showed such as I will tell you. Passing slim was the lady, sweet of bodice and slender of girdle. Her throat was whiter than snow on branch, and her eyes were like flowers in the pallor of her face. She had a witching mouth, a dainty nose, and an open brow. Her eyebrows were brown, and her golden hair parted in two soft waves upon her head. She was clad in a shift of spotless linen, and above her snowy kirtle was set a mantle of royal purple, clasped upon her breast. She carried a hooded falcon upon her glove, and a greyhound followed closely after. As the Maiden rode at a slow pace through the streets of the city, there was none, neither great nor small, youth nor sergeant, but ran forth from his house, that he might content his heart with so great beauty. Every man that saw her with his eyes, marvelled at a fairness beyond that of any earthly woman. Little he cared for any mortal maiden, after he had seen this sight. The friends of Sir Launfal hastened to the knight, to tell him of his lady’s succour, if so it were according to God’s will.

“Sir comrade, truly is not this your friend? This lady is neither black nor golden, mean nor tall. She is only the most lovely thing in all the world.”

When Launfal heard this, he sighed, for by their words he knew again his friend. He raised his head, and as the blood rushed to his face, speech flowed from his lips. “By my faith,” cried he, “yes, she is indeed my friend. It is a small matter now whether men slay me, or set me free; for I am made whole of my hurt just by looking on her face.” 

The Maiden entered in the palace—where none so fair had come before—and stood before the King, in the presence of his household. She loosed the clasp of her mantle, so that men might the more easily perceive the grace of her person. The courteous King advanced to meet her, and all the Court got them on their feet, and pained themselves in her service. When the lords had gazed upon her for a space, and praised the sum of her beauty, the lady spake to Arthur in this fashion, for she was anxious to begone.

“Sire, I have loved one of thy vassals,—the knight who stands in bonds, Sir Launfal. He was always misprized in thy Court, and his every action turned to blame. What he said, that thou knowest; for over hasty was his tongue before the Queen. But he never craved her in love, however loud his boasting. I cannot choose that he should come to hurt or harm by me. In the hope of freeing Launfal from his bonds, I have obeyed thy summons. Let now thy barons look boldly upon my face, and deal justly in this quarrel between the Queen and me.”

The King commanded that this should be done, and looking upon her eyes, not one of the judges but was persuaded that her favour exceeded that of the Queen.

Since then Launfal had not spoken in malice against his lady, the lords of the household gave him again his sword. When the trial had come thus to an end the Maiden took her leave of the King, and made her ready to depart. Gladly would Arthur have had her lodge with him for a little, and many a lord would have rejoiced in her service, but she might not tarry. Now without the hall stood a great stone of dull marble, where it was the wont of lords, departing from the Court, to climb into the saddle, and Launfal by the stone. The Maiden came forth from the doors of the palace, and mounting on the stone, seated herself on the palfrey, behind her friend. Then they rode across the plain together, and were no more seen.

The Bretons tell that the knight was ravished by his lady to an island[4], very dim and very fair, known as Avalon[5]. But none has had speech with Launfal and his faery love since then, and for my part I can tell you no more of the matter.


“The Lay of Sir Launfal” edited by Bonnie J. Robinson, Ph.D. and Laura J. Getty, Ph.D. from British Literature: Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century and Neoclassicism is licensed by CC BY-SA


 “Avalon.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 16 May 2017, britannica.com/place/Avalon-legendary-island.

“Avalon – Legendary Island.” Mythology.net, 14 Jan. 2017, mythology.net/others/concepts/avalon/.


Hunt, Tony. “Marie [Marie de France] (fl. c. 1180–c. 1189), poet.” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, OUP, www-oxforddnb-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-52460. Accessed 6 June 2022.


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  1. Both the words “taken” and “toils” have a deeper meaning and connotation when defined according to Marie de France’s time period. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines “toil” as “Strife, turmoil, fighting. Also (as count noun): a battle, a melee; a fight, a brawl” (“toil, n.1”). The OED defines “taken” as “Of an illness, sensation, or any other force or agency: to act on, affect, or attack (a person or animal), esp. suddenly; to take hold of; to seize” (“take, v.”). In the context of “The Lay of Sir Launfal,” these definitions can be applied to make sense of multiple parts of the lai. In this tale, Launfal is in a tough situation, and he realizes that, moving forward, he will need to find his own way to survive. By understanding Marie de France’s known definition of “taken,” readers can infer that Launfal’s situation has arisen, not from his own choices, but from the circumstances that have seized him, both due to his placement in court and status as a later-born son. He has been dealt an unfortunate hand and, though it was not his own fault, he must work with the situation that has taken hold of his life. Furthermore, by employing the word “toils,” Marie de France is using foreshadowing to hint that, in his endeavors to sustain himself, Launfal will experience strife, turmoil, and even a battle, whether it is physical or mental. His status and place in the world have seized him and forced him into a situation where he will be compelled to suffer and fight his way through the trials set before him. Luckily for him, once he meets his Lady, he will not have to overcome his troubles alone.
  2. Semiramis is part of both Assyrian and Greek mythology. In Assyrian mythology, she is seen as a queen goddess, the wife of Ninus, and the founder of Nineveh, the Assyrian capital. In Greek mythology, she is the daughter of an Assyrian goddess who married an Assyrian king. In both versions of her tale, she takes over ruling after her husband dies, founds Babylon, and goes on to lead many armies to victory, until her son takes her place (Knowles). As with most myths, Semiramis is thought to be based off the life and events of an actual person, in this case Sammu-Ramat or Sammuramat, the queen regent of the Assyrian Empire who held possession of the throne for her young son Adad Nirari III until he reached maturity. Sammuramat achieved remarkable things while in power. One of the most notable accomplishments of her regency was her influence in the royal court, as at this time, women were not permitted authority in the Assyrian Empire, and so her influence clearly demonstrates how well she was able to control and implement her given power. This also explains how she was able to maintain the throne after her husband’s death. However, despite the knowledge of her impressive use and hold on her power, there is very little specific evidence about what she did and how she went about it. There is enough information in the historical records, however, to infer that she held power equal to that of her forerunners and was able to keep the Empire secure and happy until her son was old enough to take over (“Semiramis”). In comparing Launfal’s Lady to Semiramis and her power, Marie de France is illustrating just how important this seemingly Fae woman is. As Semiramis was a woman of vast power who was able to hold onto her influence for an impressively extended period of time, despite her male-dominated society’s dictations against it, comparing another woman to her, and even stating that this woman surpasses Semiramis, is an immense compliment worth noting. It also demonstrates that, as Launfal knows, his Lady is extremely powerful, despite his ignorance about where such power comes from, how she uses it, or how she maintains it.
  3. The vesper hour is a time frame dictated by the Christian Church. According to the OED, it is “The sixth of the Canonical Hours of the breviary, said or celebrated towards the evening” (“Vesper, n.”). The vesper hour was instituted by the Office of Vespers in the Latin Church in the sixth century. This evening hour service is comprised of “four psalms, a capitulum, a response, a hymn, a versicle, a canticle from the Gospel, litany, Pater with the ordinary finale,” prayer, and the dismissal (“Vespers”). The hour is divided into two parts: first the singing of the psalms and then the capitulum and formulae. The time of the Vesper hour varies according to the season and could be anywhere from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Originally, it was celebrated after the sun had already set and the area in which it took place was adorned with torches. However, it was changed so that, despite it being called the evening hour, it was at the hour of the sunset so that its rituals took place before the day had completely ended, avoiding the tedious use and implementation of artificial light (“Vespers”). After this change, St. Benedict introduced a new hour, Compline, that was celebrated in the evening. The casual mention of this religious hour in Marie de France’s work could indicate multiple things. First, it demonstrates how integrated into society Christianity was. There are no explanatory notes or sentences, as it was assumed that everyone who read this lai would know what the vesper hour was. Second, this could even indicate how personally entrenched Marie de France was in the religion, which supports the hypothesis that she was a nun. One thing is for sure: Marie de France was indicating that Launfal was to start on his journey towards the end of the day.
  4. As employed in Marie de France’s lai, “ravished” does not have the same meaning as it does today, where it is usually applied to refer to, or imply sexual acts. To be ravished, means to have, either voluntarily or forcefully, partaken in fornication. The word “ravish” can even be employed as an adjective (i.e., “you look ravishing”) to mean that someone looks beautiful or sexually appealing. Today, this word’s main function is to indicate a bodily state or action. However, in the time of Marie de France, it was more widely known as the verb meaning “to carry away, snatch, seize (a person), esp. by force; to drag (a person) away from a place or other person; to drag to or into a place” (“Ravish, v.”). While the word did still have sexual connotations, as it was connected to “rape” because both words refer to the capture or violation of property, the version of “ravished” used by Marie de France simply meant to take someone away from or to a location, or person, even if by force. So, as Launfal and his Lady depart Arthur’s court, by applying the OED’s definition to the word “ravished,” readers can understand that she is taking Launfal away from the court and towards Avalon. Marie De France does not indicate how far, or in what direction the island of Avalon is, but one can assume that, as the Lady is doing the ravishing, Launfal is not aware of where it is just as readers are not. Launfal’s ignorance can also be assumed if the reader interprets Launfal’s Lady as being part of the Fae race, as Avalon was a magical island.
  5. Avalon is a key part of the Arthurian mythology. In the legends of King Arthur, Avalon is a mythical island known for its healing powers and mythical beings (“Avalon”). It is also referred to as “The Isle of Glass” or “The Isle of Apples.” Though popularly known for its appearance in Arthurian legend, the island of Avalon was first mentioned in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, where it is referred to as Avallo. Avallo is the Celtic word for apples, and, in Celtic mythology, Avallo is associated with the afterlife and even thought to exist outside of what they considered to be normal time (“Avalon – Legendary Island”). However, as adapted in Arthurian legend, Avalon is where Arthur was taken to heal after being gravely injured in battle since it was ruled over by Morgan le Fay and her eight sisters. These women were strong and skilled enchantresses who displayed advanced knowledge and abilities in the healing arts (“Avalon.”). The lore behind the island of Avalon implies a lot about the characters in Marie de France’s lai. The first inference that can be made is that, when compounded with the other evidence in the lai, Launfal’s Lady is a mythical being. Second, readers can make a connection between King Arthur being taken to Avalon in his time of need just as Launfal is in his time of need, and infer that this occurrence implies that Launfal and King Arthur occupy the same amount of importance in the eyes of the mystical – making Launfal a very important person.


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"The Lay of Sir Launfal" (1160-1215) Copyright © by Marie de France is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.