20 “Of an Island” (1653)
Margaret Cavendish
There was an island, rich by Nature’s grace;
In all the world it was the sweetest place,
Surrounded with the seas, whose waves don’t miss[2]
To do her homage, and her feet do kiss[3].
Each wave did seem[4] by turn to[5] bow down low, 5
And proud to touch her as they overflow[6].
Armies of waves in troops high tides brought[7] on,
Whose wat’ry arms did[8] glister like[9] the sun,
And on their backs burthens of ships did[10] bear,
Placing them in her havens with great care[11]. 10
Not mercenary, for no pay they’d have[12],
Yet[13] as her guard did[14] watch to keep her safe,
And in a ring they circled[15] her about,
Strong as a wall, to keep her foes without[16].
The winds did serve her, and on clouds did[17] ride, 15
Blowing their trumpets loud on every side;
Serving[18] as scouts, they searched[19] in every lane,
And galloped[20] in the forests[21], fields, and plain.
While she did please the gods, she did live safe[22],
And they all kind of pleasures to her gave[23]. 20
For all this place was[24] fertile, rich, and fair;
Both woods and hills and dales in prospects were[25].
Birds pleasure took[26], and with delight did[27] sing;
In praises of this isle the woods did[28] ring.
Trees thrived with joy, for she their roots well fed[29], 25
And[30], tall with pride, their tops did[31] overspread,
Danced[32] with the winds when they did[33] sing and blow,
Played[34] like a wanton kid, or a[35] swift roe.
Their several branches several birds did[36] bear,
Which hopped and skipped[37], and always merry were[38]; 30
Their leaves did[39] wave, and, rushing, make a noise,
And[40] many ways strived to express[41] their joys.
All[42] flowers there looked[43] fresh and gay with mirth,
Whilst they were[44] danced upon the lap of Earth.
Th’isle was their mother[45], they her children sweet, 35
Born from her loins, got by Apollo great,
Who dressed and pruned them often with great care[46],
And washed their leaves with dew to make them fair[47],
Which being done[48], he wiped[49] those drops away
With webs of heat[50], which he weaves every day, 40
Paint[51][52] them with several colors intermixed,
Veiled[53] them with shadows every leaf betwixt.
Their heads he dress’d, their hairy leaves spread out[54],
Wreathed round their crowns his golden beams about[55],
For he this isle esteemed[56] above the rest; 45
Of all his wives he had, he loved[57] her best.
Daily he did present her with some gift[58]:
Twelve ells of light, to make her smocks[59] for shift,
Which, every time he came, he put[60] on clean[61],
And changèd oft, that she may lovely seem[62]. 50
And when he from her went[63], the world to see,
He left[64] his sister[65] for her[66] company,
Whose name is Cynthia[67]—though pale, yet clear,
Which makes her always in dark clouds appear.
Besides, he left[68] his stars to wait, for fear[69] 55
His isle too sad should be[70] when he’s not there,
And from his bounty clothed[71] them all with light,
Which makes them twinkle in a frosty night.
He never brought[72] hot beams to do her harm,
Nor let[73] her take a cold, but lapped[74] her warm; 60
He[75] mantles rich of equal heat o’erspread[76],
And covered[77] her with color crimson red.
He gave[78] another o’er her head to lie—
The colour is a pure bright azure sky—
And with soft air did[79] line them all within, 65
Like[80] furs in winter, in summer satin thin.
With silver clouds he fringèd[81] them about,
And[82] spangled meteors glist’ring hung[83] without.
Thus gave her[84] change, lest she[85] should weary grow,
Or think them old, and so away them throw. 70
Nature adorned[86] this island all throughout
With landscapes, riv’lets, prospects round about[87];
There hills[88] o’ertopped[89] the dales, which level be[90],
Covered[91] with cattle feeding eagerly[92].
Grass grew[93] up even to the belly high, 75
Where beasts that chew their cud lay pleasantly[94],
Whisking their tails about, the flies to beat,
Or else to cool them from the sultry heat.
Nature, willing to th’gods her love[95] to show,
Sent plenty in, like Nile’s great overflow, 80
And temperate seasons gave[96], and equal lights:
Warm[97] sunshine days, and dewy moonshine nights.
And in this pleasant island, peace did dwell;
No noise of war or sad tale could it tell
“Of an Island” edited by Liza Blake from Margaret Cavendish’s Poems and Fancies licensed by CC BY-NC
- Of an Island.] A Description of an Island. 1664, 1668 ↵
- don’t miss] not miss’d 1664, 1668 ↵
- do kiss.] they Kiss’d; 1664; they kiss’d: 1668 ↵
- Each wave did seem] Where every Wave 1653 ↵
- to] do 1653 ↵
- as they overflow.] when as they did Flow; 1664; when as they did flow. 1668 ↵
- brought] bring 1653 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- like] as 1664, 1668 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- Placing them in her havens with great care.] And in her Havens places them with care; 1653 ↵
- for no pay they’d have,] They no will have, 1653 ↵
- Yet] But 1664, 1668 ↵
- did] they 1653 ↵
- circled] circle 1653 ↵
- without.] still out. 1653 ↵
- The winds did serve her, and on clouds did] So Windes do serve, and on the Cloudes do 1653 ↵
- Serving] And serve 1653 ↵
- they searched] do search 1653 ↵
- galloped] gallop 1653 ↵
- forests,] Forrest, 1653 ↵
- While she did please the gods, she did live safe,] And while shee please the Gods, in safety lives, 1653 ↵
- And they all kind of pleasures to her gave.] They to delight her, all fine Pleasures gives. 1653 ↵
- was] is 1653 ↵
- prospects were.] Propsects are. 1653 ↵
- took,] take, 1653 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- thrived with joy, for she their roots well fed,] thrive with joy, this Isle their Roots do feed, 1653 ↵
- And,] Grow 1653 ↵
- did] they 1653 ↵
- Danced] Dance 1653 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- Played] Play 1653 ↵
- a] the 1653 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- hopped and skipped,] hop, and Skip, 1653 ↵
- were;] are. 1653 ↵
- did] do 1653 ↵
- And] Thus 1653 ↵
- strived to express] do strive t’expresse 1653 ↵
- All] And 1653 ↵
- looked] look 1653 ↵
- were] are 1653 ↵
- Th’isle was their mother,] Their Mother the Island, 1653; Th’Isle their Mother was; 1668 ↵
- Who dressed and pruned them often with great care,] Who takes great care to dresse, and prune them oft, 1653 ↵
- And washed their leaves with dew to make them fair,] And with cleare Dew he washes their Leaves soft. 1653 ↵
- Which being done,] When he hath done, 1653 ↵
- wiped] wipes 1653 ↵
- A marginal note reads, “Sunbeams”. ↵
- Paint] Paints 1653 ↵
- A marginal note reads, “There would be no colors, if no light ↵
- Veiled] Veiles 1653 ↵
- dress’d, their hairy leaves spread out,] dresses, spreads their hairy leaves, 1653 ↵
- Wreathed round their crowns his golden beams about,] And round their Crownes his golden Beames he wreaths. 1653 ↵
- esteemed] esteemes 1653 ↵
- he had, he loved] we find he loves 1653 ↵
- Daily he did present her with some gift:] Presents her daily with some fine new Gift, 1653 ↵
- A marginal note in 1653 reads, “These smocks are the days.” In 1664 and 1668 it reads, “Those smocks are the days.” ↵
- came, he put] comes, he puts 1653 ↵
- clean,] Fair, 1664; fair, 1668 ↵
- And changèd oft, that she may lovely seem.] And changes oft, that shee may lovely seem. 1653; That Lovely she and Handsome might appear, 1664; That Lovely she, and Handsome might appear. 1668 ↵
- from her went,] goeth from her, 1653 ↵
- left] leaves 1653 ↵
- A marginal note in 1653 reads, “The moon.” This note does not appear in 1664 or 1668. ↵
- for her] her for 1664; her, for 1668 ↵
- Whose name is Cynthia] Cynthia she is, 1653 ↵
- left] leaves 1653 ↵
- for fear] on her, 1664, 1668 ↵
- His isle too sad should be] Lest she should Grieve too much, 1664; Lest she should grieve too much, 1668 ↵
- clothed] cloaths 1653 ↵
- brought] brings 1653 ↵
- let] lets 1653 ↵
- lapped] laps 1653 ↵
- He] With 1653 ↵
- o’erspread,] doth spread, 1653 ↵
- covered] covers 1653 ↵
- gave] gives 1653 ↵
- did] doth 1653 ↵
- Like] As 1653 ↵
- fringèd] fringes 1653 ↵
- And] Where 1653 ↵
- hung] hang 1653 ↵
- gave her] gives her 1653; gave he 1664, 1668 ↵
- she] he 1668 ↵
- adorned] adornes 1653 ↵
- riv’lets, prospects round about;] Prospects, and Rills that run about. 1653 ↵
- There hills] Hills 1664, 1668 ↵
- o’ertopped] o’re top 1653; over-top’d 1664, 1668 ↵
- be,] were, 1664, 1668 ↵
- Covered] And cover’d all 1664, 1668 ↵
- eagerly.] there; 1664; there. 1668 ↵
- Grass grew] Where Grasse growes 1653 ↵
- lay pleasantly,] in Pleasure lye. 1653 ↵
- willing to th’gods her love] her Love to th’ Gods willing 1664, 1668 ↵
- And temperate seasons gave,] Gave temperate Seasons, 1653 ↵
- Warm] The 1653 ↵