7 “Cuckoo Song”
Unknown Author
A Lyric Poem
Summer is a-coming in,
Sing loud Cuckoo!
Groweth seed, and bloweth mead
And springeth the woode noo
Sing Cuckoo!
Ewe bleatheth after lamb,
Lows for her calf coo;
Bullock sterteth, buck verteth,
Merry sing Cuckoo!
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, well sing’st thou Cuckoo:
So cease thou never noo.
Sing Cuckoo, noo, sing Cuckoo!
“Cuckoo Song” edited by Bonnie J. Robinson, Ph.D. and Laura J. Getty, Ph.D. from British Literature: Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century and Neoclassicism licensed under CC BY-SA