2 Index of Genres
- “Cuckoo Song”
- “Earth”
- “Spring Song”
- “When the Nightingale Sings”
- “Winter Song”
- “The Garden” by Andrew Marvell
- “The Eclipse” by Hester Pulter
- “Aurora” by Hester Pulter
- “Heliotropians” by Hester Pulter
- “The Desire” by Hester Pulter
- “The Hunting of the Hare” by Margaret Cavendish
- “The Hunting of the Stag” by Margaret Cavendish
- “Of an Island” by Margaret Cavendish
- “The Ruin of this Island” by Margaret Cavendish
- “The Wanderer”
- “The Wife’s Lament”
- “The Sun Rising” by John Donne
- “A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning” by John Donne
- “To His Mistress Going to Bed” or “Elegy 19” by John Donne
- “The Good-Morrow” by John Donne
- “A World in an Earring” by Margaret Cavendish
- “Of Many Worlds in this World” by Margaret Cavendish
- “Untitled [Give me a free and noble style]” by Margaret Cavendish
- “A Posset for Nature’s Breakfast” by Margaret Cavendish
- “The Invitation into the Country, 1647” by Hester Pulter
- “The Argument of his Book” by Robert Herrick
- “Corinna’s going a Maying” by Robert Herrick
- “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Robert Herrick
- “To his Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvell
- “Mighty Nimrod (Emblem 1)” by Hester Pulter
- “Come, My Dear Children (Emblem 2)” by Hester Pulter
- “Virtue’s Duel (Emblem 4)” by Hester Pulter
- “The Author to Her Book” by Anne Bradstreet
- “The Flesh and The Spirit” by Anne Bradstreet
- “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley
- “The Lay of Sir Launfal” by Marie de France
- “The Lay of the Honeysuckle” by Marie de France
- “Bisclavret” by Marie de France
- from Paradise Lost by John Milton
- “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare
- “The Description of Cooke-ham” by Aemilia Lanyer
- “The Author’s Epistle to Peter Giles” by Thomas More
- A Letter on the Pueblo Revolt by Don Antonio de Otermin
Novels and Prose
- Preface to Utopia by Thomas More
- Utopia by Thomas More
- The Blazing World by Margaret Cavendish
- Oroonko by Aphra Behn
- From The Discovery of the Large, Rich and Beautiful Empire of Guiana by Sir Walter Raleigh
- from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Or, Gustavus Vassa, the African by Olaudah Equiano
- Peyote Cult (Plains) by Paul Radin
- John Rave’s Account of the Peyote Cult and of his Conversion by John Rave
- Journal of the First Voyage to America, (Excerpt) by Christopher Columbus
- Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford
- How the Spaniards Came to Shung-Opovi, How They Built a Mission, and How the Hopi Destroyed the Mission by Edmund Nequatewa
- A Narrative of the Uncommon Sufferings, and Surprizing Deliverance of Briton Hammon, A Negro Man by Briton Hammon
- Personal Narrative (Exceprt) by Jonathan Edwards