
1 Introduction PT100S

Welcome to PT100S!

To help guide you through all the experiences you will have this semester in PT100S, we have created this FREE on-line textbook for you.

In it you will find:

  1. The reading materials that are to be completed prior to class.
  2. The “Lab Worksheets” that are to be completed prior to lab.
  3. Learning activities or related information to help you remember and frame the materials for this semester.
  4. Links for important documents or requirements.

Chapter One:

  1. Lab Procedures Document: This is your reference document for our lab infection control procedures.


  1. Academic Integrity Training: To be completed and upload the certificate on canvas by the due date



  1. APTA Video: “You can Be Me”. Please watch and then complete by due date on canvas.  https://youtu.be/1Z2Ib4Meul4



PT100S: OBJECTIVES for each of the 3 PRIMARY Course Sections



Fields of Medicine:

  • Recognize prefixes, suffixes, and word roots in medical terms.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the roles for using word parts to form terms.
  • Write the meaning of the word parts presented in this chapter.
  • Select the appropriate areas of study for the medical specialties presented in the material.
  • Choose the correct definition for the terms studied when presented with several alternative answers.
  • Recognize the word parts in unfamiliar words and be able to recognize definitions of the words.

External Anatomy

  • Describe the anatomical position.
  • Define terms that relate to directional aspects of the body from chapter material
  • Recognize and use word parts related to the head, chest, abdomen and extremities.
  • Recognize and use word parts related to other aspects of the body that are presented.
  • Analyze and state the meaning of the terms used in this chapter and identify those terms that are disease processes, surgical procedures, or diagnostic procedures.

The Muscular and Skeletal Systems

  • Define selected terms that relate to bones in general as well as specific bones.
  • Analyze selected terms that relate to disorders or diseases of bones and associated structures, as well as surgical and diagnostic procedures.
  • Identify the significance of bone marrow and be able to recognize and use its combining form.
  • Define joint, cartilage, ligament and tendon and recognize and use their appropriate combining forms.
  • Analyze selected terms that relate to muscular diseases or disorders and surgical and diagnostic procedures related to muscles.
  • Describe the major types of muscles presented in the material.
  • Recognize and use all words presented in this chapter.


The Nervous System

  • Distinguish between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system regarding their major parts and functions.
  • Define afferent and efferent. Describe how they relate to the nervous system.
  • Analyze selected terms related to the nervous system and differentiate disorders or diseases, surgical procedures and diagnostic procedures.
  • Recognize and use all word parts presented in this chapter.


The Integumentary System

  • Recognize terms denoting functions of the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue, hair, nails, sebaceous glands, and sudoriferous glands.
  • Identify the dermis and epidermis as the two main parts of the skin and describe their major differences.
  • State the meaning of a first-degree burn, second degree burn and third degree burn.
  • Analyze selected terms related to the skin and associated structures.
  • Recognize terms of various methods of injections presented.
  • Recognize and use all word parts presented in the chapter.


The Blood and Other Body Fluids, Circulatory and Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, and Endocrine Systems.

  • Recognize names of these structures and define terms associated with these structures.
  • Write the meaning of word parts associated with these systems and use the word parts to build and analyze terms.
  • Accurately spell the terms.
  • Correctly pronounce the terms.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of the main concepts related to each of these systems.



  • Identify selected, commonly used medical abbreviations.
  • Understand and use commonly used medical abbreviations as might be found in medical documents.
  • Document patient treatment sessions in SOAP note format using appropriate medical abbreviations and terminology.


Vocabulary On-Line Quizzes

  • Students are expected to take all of the quizzes on Canvas as directed by the instructor. The quizzes should be used as study guides for the vocabulary quizzes and the final examination.



Safely and effectively implement interventions for basic body mechanics, bed positioning, transfers and wheelchair mobility for common patient/client conditions.

  1. Define the term body mechanics.
  2. Describe proper body mechanics to use for lifting, reaching, pushing, pulling, and carrying objects (7D23h).
  3. Explain the importance of gravity, friction, base of support, center of gravity, and line of gravity as factors in good body mechanics. ( 7D23h)
  4. Demonstrate proper body mechanics for lifting, reaching, pushing, pulling, and carrying objects (7D23h).
  5. Instruct another person to use proper body mechanics using effective communication (7D7; 7D12).
  6. Explain specific precautions to use when lifting, reaching, pushing, pulling, and carrying objects (7D23h).
  7. Describe appropriate positioning of the trunk, head, and extremities with the patient supine, prone, side lying, or sitting (7D24k)
  8. Recognize positions and postures that aggravate or relieve pain (7D24k)
  9. Demonstrate appropriate draping of the patient.
  10. Identify areas at risk for skin trauma when positioning a patient supine, prone, side lying, or sitting (7D24f).
  11. List reasons for using and applying proper patient positioning. (7D24j)
  12. Describe proper body techniques used in basic transfer activities (7D23h)
  13. Demonstrate safe and effective basic transfers as per a patient’s plan of care established by the physical therapist. (7D23d)
  14. Instruct and assist another person to perform various transfer techniques with effective communication (7D12, 7D7).
  15. Adjust the position of a person who is recumbent with or without the assistance of another person in preparation for the transfer.
  16. Demonstrate how to properly guard and protect a person during the performance of a transfer (7D27)
  17. Correctly describe the level of assist used to describe transfers.
  18. Identify the basic components of a standard wheelchair.
  19. Correctly demonstrate dependent wheelchair mobility.


Accurately measure standard vital signs, including body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and pain. (7D24a).

  • Describe the physiological significance of body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and respiration rate.
  • Identify normal values for body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and respiration rate.(7D24a)
  • List possible causes of elevated and lowered values for body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and respiration rate.
  • Recognize and discuss the meaning of normal pulse rate, elevated pulse rate and lowered pulse rate (7D24a)
  • Locate and palpate a patient’s arterial pulse at various sites.
  • Perform all activities required to measure a pulse. (7D24a)
  • Accurately count and record the pulse rate in beats per minute.
  • Use appropriate professional terminology to accurately describe a patient’s pulse in terms of rate, rhythm, and volume.
  • Perform all activities required in the measuring of blood pressure by the use of a sphygmomanometer.
  • Discuss principles related to the use of equipment necessary for measuring blood pressure.
  • Accurately count and record the respiration rate in breaths per minute.
  • Use appropriate professional terminology to accurately describe a patient’s respiration in terms of rate, depth, and rhythm.
  • Recognize the difference between thoracic and abdominal breathing and demonstrate each type of breathing pattern (7D24n)
  • Explain the various pain scales for patient use. (7D24j)
  • Compare patient vital signs to normative values for a given case scenario
  • Determine a patient’s response to change in position by measuring vital sign before and after the intervention (7D24a)
  • Using role play, respond effectively when a patient’s vital signs indicate the need for emergency intervention (7D26)


Demonstrate competence in infection control procedures when performing common physical therapy interventions.

  • Define asepsis, medical sepsis, surgical asepsis, and contamination.
  • Describe the cycle of cross-contamination and infection
  • Perform proper techniques of hand hygiene for clean situations (7D23i)
  • Explain the use of standard precautions and transmission-based precautions and related protocols (7D23i).
  • Select appropriate infection control procedures for a given case scenario (7D23i).
  • Demonstrate proper procedure when donning and doffing personal protective equipment (7D23i).
  • Describe the OSHA infectious disease regulations that pertain to health care facilities and employees
  • Define clean and sterile technique. (7D23i)


Safely and effectively implement interventions for gait training and use of assistive devices for common patient/client conditions.

  • Identify various types of ambulation aids.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of various types of ambulation aids. (7D23b)
  • Describe and perform the two-point, modified two-point, four-point, three-point, and modified three-point on level surfaces, uneven surfaces, curbs and stairs. (7D23f)
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different gait patterns.
  • Competently demonstrate the instruction of gait patterns using appropriate equipment based on various conditions (7D12).
  • Describe the purpose of pre-ambulation procedures and ambulation (7D24a)
  • Recognize safety factors while using assistive devices (7D24d)
  • Provide education on the safety factors involving transfers, gait, and assistive devices as directed by the physical therapist plan of care. (7D12)
  • Correctly describe the level of assist required for safe gait activities.
  • Recognize how to safely guard a patient during gait training. (7D24e)
  • Properly fit an assistive device for a patient to promote safety, efficiency, and comfort during ambulation. (7D23b)



Describe aspects of organizational structure and operation of physical therapy service in a variety of settings (7D30)

  • Define physical therapy as it is stated by the American Physical Therapy Association and the Physical Therapy Practice Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • Describe the general history and evolution of physical therapy by listing important persons, times, and events.
  • List and describe the types of facilities that deliver physical therapy services and the benefits of continuum of care.
  • List and describe the types of equipment commonly seen in physical therapy facilities.
  • List and describe the types of patients commonly seen in physical therapy facilities.
  • Explain the terms Licensed, Certified, and Registered in relation to the Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant and the State Board of Physical Therapy.
  • Explain the following concerning the Licensed Physical Therapist.
    • The education of the Licensed Physical Therapist.
    • How an individual becomes a Licensed Physical Therapist.
    • The responsibilities of the Licensed Physical Therapist to the Physical Therapist Assistant.
  • Describe the components of the patient management model, according to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice (7D17)
  • Describe the components of the physical therapy plan of care (7D17)
  • Identify the components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). (7D16)

Discuss current issues influencing the evolution of Physical Therapy

  • Describe the differences in educational level of those providing physical therapy services
  • Discuss current practice issues that are having an impact on the delivery of physical therapy.
  • Discuss the importance of evidenced-based practice. (7D11)
  • Develop a beginning understanding of professional literature/scholarly evidence (7D 10)
  • State the purpose of the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice
  • Define direct access
  • Discuss the process of performance improvement activities (quality assurance) in the health care setting (7D29)
  • Discuss the APTA Vision and how this impacts the field of physical therapy (7D4)

Describe the structure and function of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

  • Describe the mission and goals of the APTA
  • Discuss the organizational structure of the APTA
  • Describe the benefits of belonging to the APTA.



Describe the role of the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)

  • Define the Physical Therapist Assistant as defined by the American Physical Therapy Association and Physical Therapy Practice Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • State the conditions under which a qualified Physical Therapist Assistant may work in Pennsylvania, according to the Physical Therapy Practice Act of the Commonwealth of PA (7D1)
  • Differentiate between the role of the physical therapist and physical therapist assistant (7D4)
  • Describe the history and evolution of the physical therapist assistant.
  • Explain the role of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), and Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) as related to Physical Therapist Assistant Education and Practice
  • Discuss career development opportunities available for the physical therapist assistant. (7D14)
  • Identify the roles of healthcare disciplines that may participate in interprofessional practice of physical therapy patients. (7D28)


Demonstrate basic professional verbal, non-verbal, and written communication skill.


  • Accurately identify the components of communication. (7D7)
  • Discuss appropriate strategies the health care professional can utilize to enhance communication with consideration of individual, generational and cultural differences (7D7, 7D8)
  • Respond effectively to constructive feedback provided from the instructor and peers during class activities.
  • Discuss the importance of documentation in physical therapy
  • Define and identify the basic components of documentation (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) (7D25)
  • Describe the different types of physical therapy documentation (7D25)
  • Discuss the importance of communication within the PT/PTA team in providing physical therapy services. (7D17)
  • Discus the provision of patient-centered care, including the need to identify, respect and act with consideration for the patients’/clients’ values and preferences. (7D8)



Discuss how laws, regulations and policies affect the practice of physical therapy

  • Define laws, regulations, and policies and describe how they are made.
  • Identify resources that physical therapists and physical therapist assistants may use to find out more about laws, regulations, and policies that affect physical therapy practice.
  • Identify ways in which individuals can participate in professional and community organizations and the available opportunities for volunteerism, advocacy, and leadership. (7D13)
  • Explain the significance of the State Physical Therapy Practice Act
  • Explain the responsibilities of both the Physical Therapist and the Physical Therapist Assistant to the patient. (7D4)
  • Explain who is directly responsible for the type of treatments the Physical Therapist Assistant will perform.
  • Explain the terms malpractice and negligence related to physical therapy practice.
  • Explain issues involved in the various ways that physical therapists and physical therapist assistants can be held legally liable for the care they provide.(7D1)
  • Explain the concept of a patient’s bill of rights.
  • Define what is meant by professional ethics.(7D6)
  • Define the Core Values of Professionalism in Physical Therapy. (7D4)
  • Define the Values-based Behaviors for the Physical Therapist Assistant. (7D5)
  • List and explain the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant as codified by the American Physical Therapy Association (7D4; 7D1, 7D6)
  • Explain the role of a mandated reporter to report to the appropriate authorities suspected cases of abuse of vulnerable populations. (7D2)


Describe current practices for financing and reimbursing health care in the United States.

  • List common sources of financing health care in the United States and the impact on delivery of physical therapy services
  • Discuss the responsibility of reporting to the appropriate authorities suspected cases of fraud and abuse related to the utilization and payment of physical therapy and other health care services. (7D3)




Describe general health and disease conditions in the body systems particularly as they relate to physical therapy interventions.

  • Discuss common surgical and therapeutic interventions as related to the body systems
  • Describe diagnostic tests as related to various pathologies of the body systems (7D18)
  • Identify medical terminology as related to various disease conditions
  • Identify selected, commonly used medical abbreviations.


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PT100 Mont Alto Copyright © by Julie Meyer, MSIT; Anne Hill; Dan Dandy PT; and DPT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.