
10 Volunteerism

Campus and/or community involvement opportunities, civic engagement, philanthropy

Providing Water Access
by Clare Gervino


Group of young adults sitting on top of a blue platform.I travelled to Honduras over spring break with 13 other students through Penn State’s Global Water/Engineering Brigades. There we helped design and implement a water system in two different communities. In the first community we surveyed the land and gathered data from the community members. We then used that data in a software to determine the best way that the water should be distributed in the community. From that we were also able to determine the diameter and length of the pipes needed for the system. We then presented the design to the community. In the second community, we helped implement the water system by digging trenches and laying pipes.

This experience was very important to me because I was able to take the skills and knowledge that I have gained here at Penn State and apply it to a real-world problem while still helping people. I was able to learn a lot about a culture that was much different than my own.

As a civil engineering major, I have taken classes in both surveying and fluid dynamics. These classes were especially useful when designing the system because there were several concepts that I had learned that we had to apply while on the trip. I am also minoring in Spanish, so I was able to take what I’ve been learning and use it while talking to the community members in Spanish.

This trip has given me a broader perspective and has allowed me to be more appreciative of what I have. I enjoyed being able to use what I have been learning in school and apply it in a way that helps people. I hope to continue to take my knowledge and skills and apply them to more situations that will help people in the future.

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Gaining Service Experience
by Elliot Bruce

Young man standing in front of a sign that reads "Share a Meal"During my engagement experience, I went to Los Angeles California and helped to feed the homeless. During the experience, we made burritos in the Share-A-Meal truck that we then walked around and distributed to less fortunate individuals. We also handed out socks, shoes, water, and dog food, as well as tried to engage in conversation to lighten up everyone’s day.

This experience was one of the most memorable experiences that I’ve ever taken part in. I was able to directly help individuals who were in need of food and resources to help them make it through the next day. This was so important for me because it allowed me to finally gain real-life service experience in a community who was extremely needing of it. I believe that I genuinely made a difference because I was able to help provide comfort and food for individuals who typically are not able to receive both.

My in-class learning was very important because, as a psychology major, some specific situations were sensitive. Those sensitive situations required a bit of insight into the mentality of the homeless individuals to help make them more comfortable. If it weren’t for everything that I learned in my psychology courses, I would not have been as able to interact with some of the needing individuals.

This experience taught me how wide the world can be and how problems truly exist from coast to coast in America. This is essential because it shows me that no matter where I go, someone will always need assistance. Post-graduation, I will continue to make trips such as this and I will continue to offer my time for service anywhere that I can.

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