

SEN 101 Student Stories

Where do you see yourself in five years? Maybe you can envision exactly what you want your life to look like after you graduate from Penn State–or, maybe, the future seems a little murkier. Either way, student engagement can add meaning to your college career and help you navigate into life after university.

As you’ll learn from the stories included here, there’s not just one way to engage at Penn State. Some students do research with faculty members, others volunteer in foreign countries, and some devote themselves to their on-campus organizations. While these student experiences are diverse, they all provide opportunities for students to learn more about themselves, their communities, and the world. Use the following short stories to explore the plethora of opportunities available to you as a Penn State student, and consider how these opportunities can serve your academic, personal, and professional goals.

For additional student engagement stories, check out https://www.engage.psu.edu/stories/.

Click on the images below to read Student Stories in each category:







Student Engagement 101 Student Stories Copyright © by The Student Engagement Network. All Rights Reserved.