
1 Chapter 1: Application for Pollinator Garden

This first chapter includes the documentation, according to the form for the Penn State Extension Pollinator Garden Certification, for the Penn State Schuylkill Native Pollinator Garden.

If you reside in Pennsylvania, you are eligible to apply for Pollinator Friendly Garden Certification.

Fill out the application and mail to the address below with a check for $10.00 (non-refundable) made payable to: PSCE Program Fund Mail to: Pollinator Friendly Garden Penn State Extension – York County 2401 Pleasant Valley Rd, York, PA 17402


*Name: _Penn State Schuylkill________________________________________

*Street: _200 University Dr._______*City: Schuylkill Haven_ State: PA     *Zip:_17909_______

*County: __Schuylkill_______

*Pollinator Friendly Garden Address X_ Garden is at the same location as above Street:



1.       Nectar and Pollen Sources. Pollinators need a diversity of nectar and pollen sources to sustain them. How do you provide food for pollinators? (*Required for certification)

_X_ Choose plants that provide pollen and nectar sources from early spring to late fall *

_X_ Provide a variety of flower shapes and sizes*

___ When using annuals, choose old fashioned heirloom varieties and limit the use of modern hybrids

_X_ Incorporate pollinator friendly native plants into the garden*

_ Place plants in clusters* (Minimum of 3-5 plants of each kind is recommended) Plant close together.

Because of the close association between pollinators and native plants, this certification program is based on native plants. From the list below, select the pollinator friendly native plants that you have on your property. Place the number of plants of each beside all that apply:


TREES (“H” beside a plant indicates it is also a host plant for butterfly larva)

# Botanical name                                                   Common Name

___Aesculus pavia                                                 Red Buckeye

_X_Acer rubrum                                                     Red Maple (H)

___Acer saccharum                                               Sugar Maple

_ X_Amelanchier spp                                             Serviceberry (H)

___Betula nigra                                                      River Birch (H)

___Cercis canadensis                                           Redbud (H)

___Celtis occidentalis                                           Hackberry (H)

___Ostrya virginica.                                              American Hophornbeam (H)

___Oxydendrum arboreum                                Sourwood

_X_ Prunus serotina                                             Black Cherry (H)

_X_Prunus virginiana                                            Chokecherry (H)

_X_Quercus spp.                                                   Pin Oak, White Oak, Red Oak (H)

___Salix nigra, S. discolor                                    Black Willow, Pussy Willow (H)

_X_ Sassafras albidum                                           Sassafras (H)

___Cornus florida                                                Flowering Dogwood (H)

___Tilia americana                                                Basswood (H)

_X_ Liriodendron tulipifera                                 Tulip Poplar (H)

____Other natives(please specify):______________________________________________

SHRUBS (“H” beside a plant indicates it is also a host plant for butterfly larva)

# Botanical name                                                     Common Name

___Arctostaphylos uva-ursi                                 Bearberry

___Lindera benzoin                                               Spicebush (H)

_X_Ceanothus americana                                     New Jersey Tea

___Hydrangea arborescens                                 Smooth Hydrangea

_X_Calycanthus floridus                                       Sweet Shrub

___Kalmia latifolia                                                 Mountain Laurel

___Cephalanthus occidentalis                            Buttonbush

___Rhus spp                                                           Sumac

___Clethra alnifolia                                               Summersweet

___Rosa palustris                                                  Swamp Rose (H)

___Cornus alternifolia                                          Pagoda Dogwood

___Rosa caroliniana                                              Carolina Rose (H)

___Cornus amomum                                            Silky Dogwood

___Rosa. virginiana                                               Virginia Rose (H)

___Cornus racemosa                                            Gray Dogwood

___Symphoricarpos albus                                   Snowberry

___Cornus sericea                                                Red Twig Dogwood

___Viburnum dentatum                                       Arrowwood Viburnum

___Ilex glabra                                                        Inkberry Holly

___Viburnum nudum                                           Possumhaw Viburnum

_X_Ilex verticillata                                                Winterberry Holly

___Vaccinium spp.                                               Blueberry (H)

___Itea virginica                                                   Virginia Sweetspire

___Other natives _______________________________


AT LEAST 3 EACH OF 9 DIFFERENT SPECIES OF NATIVE PERENNIAL FLOWERS PLANTED IN CLUSTERS OF 3. Check all that you have in your gardens. Must have at least 3 species from each season. Please make sure that the plant you have corresponds to the Latin name. For pictures or more information about these plants go to Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center database.

Early Season bloom: April/May/June Need a minimum of 3 each of 3 different plants planted in clusters of 3 or more

# plants Botanical name                                        Common Name

_X_ Aquilegia canadensis                                     Wild Columbine (H)

___Baptisia australis                                             False Blue Indigo (H)

___Penstemon digitalis                                        Smooth White Penstemon (H)

___Phlox subulata                                                 Moss Phlox

___Coreopsis auriculata ‘Nana’                           Dwarf tickseed

_X_ Phlox stolonifera, P. divaricata                     Creeping Phlox, Wild Blue Phlox

___Dicentra cucullaria                                         Dutchman’s Breeches

___Coreopsis verticillata                                     Threadleaf Tickseed

___Geranium maculatum                                    Wild Geranium (H)

___Packera aurea                                                  Golden Ragwort (H)

___Penstemon calycosus                                     Calico Penstemon (H)

___Polemonium reptans                                      Spreading Jacob’s Ladder

___Sanguinaria canadensis                                 Bloodroot

___Tiarella cordifolia                                            Foamflower

___Viola spp.                                                          Violets (H)

___Zizia aureus                                                      Golden Alexander (H)

___Other natives (Please specify) ________________________

Mid-Season bloom : July/August Need a minimum of 3 each of 3 different plants planted in clusters of 3 or more

# plants Botanical name                                        Common Name

___Agastache foeniculum                                    Anise Hyssop

___Heliopsis helianthoides                                  False Sunflower

___Allium cernuum                                               Nodding Onion

___Liatris spicata                                                  Blazing Star

___Asclepias incarnata                                         Swamp Milkweed (H)

___Lobelia cardinalis                                            Cardinal Flower

_X_Asclepias syriaca                                             Common Milkweed (H)

___Lobelia siphilitica                                            Great Blue Lobelia

_X_Asclepias tuberosa                                          Butterfly Weed (H)

_X_Monarda didyma                                             Scarlet Bee Balm

___Coreopsis rosea                                              Pink Tickseed

___Monarda fistulosa                                          Wild Bergamot

___Echinacea purpurea                                      Purple Coneflower

___Physostegia virginiana                                  Obedient Plant

___Eupatoriadelphus spp.                                  Joe Pye

___Pycnanthemum spp.                                     Mountain Mint

___Eupatorium perfoliatum                              Boneset (H)

___Tradescantia ohioensis,                               Spiderwort

___Helenium autumnale                                   Helen’s Flower

___Veronicastrum virginicum                          Culver’s Root

___Helianthus spp.                                             Perennial Sunflowers (H)

___Other natives (Please specify)_________________________________________________

Late Season Bloom – September/October Need a minimum of 3 each of 3 different plants planted in clusters of 3 or more

# plants Botanical name                                        Common Name

___Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’                          Fireworks Goldenrod (H)

___Symphyotrichum laeve                                  Smooth Aster (H)

___Symphyotrichum novae-angliae                 New England Aster (H)

___Conoclinium coelestinum                              Blue Mistflower

___Eurybia divaricata                                             White Wood Aster

___Eupatorium hyssopifolium                            Thoroughwort

___Helianthus maximiliani                                   Maximilian’s Sunflower

___Symphyotrichum novi-belgii                         New York Aster (H)

___Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida                      Brown Eyed Susan (H)

___Solidago flexicaulis                                           Zig Zag Goldenrod

___Other natives(Please specify) _ Rudbeckia triloba (Brown Eyed Susans (H))


2.       Caterpillar Food Sources. Please list the plants in your landscape that are caterpillar food sources. In the second column list the butterfly larva (caterpillar) that each listed plant supports. (*At least 3 host plants are required.) Click here for more information on host plants http://extension.psu.edu/natural-resources/wildlife/landscaping-forwildlife/pa-wildlife-8

Name of host plant:                                                             Name of butterfly larva this plant supports:

*1. _Betula (Birch) sp.__                                                    _Mourning Cloak _______________________

*2. _Prunus serotine (Black Cherry)                                _Red-spotted purple_____________________

*3. _Asclepias (Milkweed) sp.                                            _Monarch_____________________________

*4. _ Sassafras albidum (Sassafras)                                  _Spicebush swallowtail                                  _____

*5.  Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip tree)                           ­_Tiger swallowtail______________________


Like all living things, pollinators need a source of water. How do you provide water for pollinators? (Check all that apply. Minimum requirement: 1)


___ Birdbath or shallow water source

_X_ Stream

___ Butterfly puddling area

___ Spring

___ Water Garden/Pond


STEP 3: PROVIDE SHELTER Pollinators need places to nest and to overwinter. How do you provide overwintering and nesting sites for pollinators? (Check all that apply. Minimum requirement: 3)


 _X_ Spaces of bare ground

___ Man-made boxes

___ Rock pile/wall

_X_ Leave garden cleanup until spring

_X_ Dead wood





Did you know that invasive plants threaten pollinator habitat by endangering the native plants that pollinators require for survival? Invasive plants that move from our yards to woodlands and natural areas threaten diversity that is vital to pollinator survival. We can all help by not planting invasives and removing existing invasives on our properties.

How do you safeguard pollinator habitat in your landscape?

_X_I avoid acquiring invasive ornamental plants. Required for certification (Click here for plants considered invasive in PA)

___I have removed or am removing invasive plants currently on my property. Please indicate which invasive plants you are removing or controlling


___Autumn Olive

___Japanese Knotweed

___Burning Bush

___Multiflora Rose

___Bush Honeysuckles

___Norway Maple

___Butterfly Bush

___Bishop’s Weed (Goutweed)

___Periwinkle (Vinca)

___Paulownia – Princess Tree

___Yellow Flag Iris

___Callery Pear

___Oriental Bittersweet

___English Ivy


___Japanese Barberry

___Purple Loosestrife

___Japanese Honeysuckle

___Tree of Heaven

___Japanese Stiltgrass

___Other – Please specify ___________




_X_ I don’t use pesticides

___ I occasionally use pesticides. Please review items A to G. All must be checked for certification.

a.___Clearly identify the pest before taking action

b.___ Use less toxic pesticides such as horticultural oil and insecticidal soap

c.___ Always follow label directions

d.___ Never spray plants in bloom

e.___ Spray late in the evening when bees are less active

f. ___ Target spray only the problem spots

g.___ Avoid Systemics




About your Pollinator Friendly Garden In what type of area is your property located?

___ Urban _X_ Suburban ___ Rural

How large is your property?

___less than ¼ acre ___1/2 to 1 acre ___5-10 acres ___¼ to ½ acre _X_1-5 acres ___10+ acres

Please estimate how much of your property is planted in pollinator friendly plants: _20_%

Choose the option that best describes your garden

___ Government Building or Park

___ Nature Center/Arboretum

___ Museum/Conservatory

___ Master Gardener Demo Garden _

___ Home

___ Apartment/Condo

___ Farm


_X_ School


__ Other, please describe: ___________________________________________

Photos / Sketch – REQUIRED Please share pictures or a sketch of your garden. If sending pictures, please send at least four. Include an overview of your garden /property and two pictures showing the required plants noted in this application. We welcome prints or digital pictures. Please label each picture with your last name and a number, for example: Smith 1, Smith2, Smith 3. If sending a sketch, please include a plant list, showing the location of required plants. Please help us help you. Send all pictures via mail or send all via e-mail.

I am including photos to assist you in the certification of my pollinator friendly garden and grant the Pennsylvania State University the right to use, reproduce and publish the photographs for any purpose without compensation or any other consideration. By entering your name and date below, you indicate that you agree with the previous statement:

Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Submitting your application

  1. Certify Your Information: By entering your full name below, you indicate that you agree with the following statement: I certify that all the information provided above is true and that I will strive to use pollinator friendly practices in my garden.

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

  1. Pay By Check or Credit Card:

A non-refundable processing fee of $10.00 is required to certify your garden. After your application has been reviewed we will register your garden and send you the official certificate. You then become eligible to receive the Penn State Pollinator Friendly Garden sign to display in your garden for $30.00.

To pay your $10 application fee by check:

Please make your check payable to: PSCE Program Fund

To pay by credit card:

Please call Penn State Extension at 717-840-7408 and request to make a payment for your Pollinator Friendly Garden application. You may mail or email your completed application and photos.

___ I am paying by check

___ I am paying by credit card

  1. Mail or E-mail Your Completed Applications and Photos:

To mail your completed application, photos and payment, please send to:

Penn State Cooperative Extension

112 Pleasant Acres Road

York, PA 17402

Attn: Pollinator Friendly Garden


To e-mail your completed application and photos, please send to: PAPollinatorCert@psu.edu Please put “Pollinator Friendly Garden” in the subject line and make sure to include your name and address in the body of your e-mail. You may mail your payment separately or call 717-840-7408 to pay by credit card.

  1. The Completed Process: Certification will be at the discretion of the committee based on the totality of information submitted. Please allow 8 weeks for review and processing of your application. Please call 717-840-7408 if you have any questions.

Thank you for helping Pollinators in Pennsylvania!

Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status. Updated 4/2020


Penn State Native Pollinator Garden Manual Copyright © by maryannsmith. All Rights Reserved.