
3.3 Intellectual Disability

Intellectual Disability

Formerly called mental retardation has been renamed intellectual disability to reflect U.S Federal Law (Public Law 111-256) which was signed into Law by President Barack Obama in 2010; this law is better known as Rosa’s Law.


Research the background on how and why mental retardation was changed to intellectual disability or better known as Rosa’s Law.


A parent can request psychological testing from their son or daughters school district to determine if “special services” are needed, this includes students who are identified as “gifted.”  A diagnosis of intellectual disability should be based on a variety of assessments including standardized testing, adaptive functioning, parental reports, medical records other teachers or anyone who may have knowledge regarding the child.  There are two frequently used standardized tests to assess for one’s over all IQ, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to children.

When working with individuals with an intellectual disability you as a Human Service Professional must be knowledgeable about Individual Educational Plans (IEP’s) and 504 Service Agreements. Please click on the PA Department of Education Website to  read about IEP’s and 504 Service agreements.

Please go to Canvas and review the Case Study of Ashley. Upon completion, create a document that you could introduce as part of Ashley’s Individual Educational Plan or her 504 Service agreement.

Under the category of Intellectual disability there are several additional diagnoses which includes a new diagnosis, Global Developmental Delay, which is for individuals UNDER the age of 5. This diagnosis is to be used when a child doesn’t achieve expected developmental milestones including intellectual functioning. Unspecified Intellectual Disability or Intellectual Developmental Disorder, which is to be used for children OVER the age of 5. Communication Disorders, child experiences a deficit in language, speech and or communication. Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder, which is new to this version of the DSM 5, this is when a child has difficulties communicating for social purposes. Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Specific Learning Disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Stereotypic Movement Disorder, Tic Disorder

Please review the PDF from Beacon-health Option which is a managed care company. The list of psychological testing includes the type of testing, age range and duration to complete the test.


Please consider the career option you are pursuing, identify two different types of psychological tests that interest you. Research the two tests and complete a two page summary of the tests and how they can be used in treatment.


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