2.3 Specifiers

Specifiers are new in the DSM 5

  • New to the DSM 5, is the use of “specifiers”—when provided in the DSM 5, specifiers apply to the client’s current presentation and ONLY when full criteria for a disorder have been met. Specifiers adds specificity to a diagnoses, they tell us the following information
    • Course— e.g., in partial remission
    • Severity—e.g., mild, moderate, severe
    • Frequency—e.g., two times per week
    • Duration—e.g., minimum duration 6 months
    • Descriptive., features—with poor insight
      • Two alternative catchall specifiers
        • Other Specified Disorders—symptoms are clinically significant but DO NOT MEET full criteria for a disorder (must give reason)
        • Unspecified Disorder—presentation is clinically significant and does NOT MEET the full criteria for a disorder, and the clinician chooses not to specify the reason—insufficient information
5 arrows labeled Frequency, Duration, Severity, Course and Descriptive Features all point to a model of a head.
Figure 2.1 Specifiers. Modification of image from pxfuel


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