24 Articles

We are including this list of articles for further exploration of scientific ocean drilling.  These resources are available openly on the internet so that all audiences can access the content.

Note that the articles we list are ones written for the general public. We have not included peer-review journal articles that discuss the scientific results from expeditions.


Blackman, H. (2021). He Championed Treks to Deep Earth and Inner Space – Princeton Portrait: Harry H. Hess *32 (1906–1969). Princeton Alumni Weekly.

Becker, K., J.A. Austin Jr., N. Exon, S. Humphris, M. Kastner, J.A. McKenzie, K.G. Miller, K. Suyehiro, and A. Taira. (2019). Fifty years of scientific ocean drilling. Oceanography 32(1):17–21, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.110.

Eberhart, J. (1968, August 10). Drilling under the sea: More than 60 deep holes in the ocean bottom will reveal the world of millions of years ago. Science News 94: 143-145.

The American Geological Institute. (1961, May-June). They said it couldn’t be done… Preliminary Mohole Project Drilling Successful. GeoTimes 5(8): 10-13.

Steinbeck, J. (1961, April 14).  High Drama of Bold Thrust through Ocean Floor. Life Magazine, p. 110-122.


Articles from EOS


Articles from Smithsonian Magazine


Articles from The Conversation


Articles on the conclusion of IODP and JOIDES Resolution



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Scientific Ocean Drilling: Exploration and Discovery through Time Copyright © 2024 by Laura Guertin; Elizabeth Doyle; and Tessa Peixoto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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