25 Audio and Video

Podcast Series

Tales from the Deep: Stories of Scientific Ocean Drilling is a collection of recorded audio conversations in StoryCorps Archive that shares the experiences of students through retired professionals in the scientific ocean drilling community. Episodes highlight the range of careers connected to scientific ocean drilling, the scientific and social experiences of sailing on the drill ships and mission-specific platforms, as working with archive core material from the repositories.


Individual Podcast Episodes

The Smoko Podcast (2024) – Dr. Emily Estes: Geomicrobiologist & IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) Staff Scientist. Audio online with show notes and transcript.

Unexplainable (2021) – How an ill-fated undersea adventure in the 1960s changed the way scientists see the Earth. On Spotify. Article/audio on Vox.


Oral history Archive



Several videos are contained within the pages of this OER, with additional videos available on the JOIDES Resolution YouTube site

Videos discussing Project Mohole

Documentary North Pond: The Search for intraterrestrials (OKI Productions and C-DEBI, 1 hour 36 min) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZzxM8bX2Mc


Interview Transcripts


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Scientific Ocean Drilling: Exploration and Discovery through Time Copyright © 2024 by Laura Guertin; Elizabeth Doyle; and Tessa Peixoto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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