

We thank all of the scientists, technicians, and crew members that we sailed with during our time on JOIDES Resolution (EXP 390, 393, 400, 402), that further ignited our curiosities about what cores from the deep sea can tell us about Earth history. As educators, we are grateful to have spent time on the JR so we can disseminate the process of science at sea and science careers with our audiences.

We are so fortunate for the amazing community of former Onshore and Onboard Outreach Officers that have sailed on JOIDES Resolution. This community of individuals, from their varied backgrounds and career stages, have produced many expedition blog posts, educational, and multimedia materials that have not only enriched the value of this OER but have impacted classrooms and communities in learning about scientific ocean drilling. Shout-out to Kellan Moss for providing us with our OER cover art, a chalk pastel which was completed as part of EXP 401. We are honored to be a part of this group and the continued support we provide each other years after sailing.


Two students standing on either side of a hanging poster
Cortez and Niles at their NE/SE GSA poster, March 2023 (Credit: L. Guertin, CC BY-NC 4.0)

We  greatly appreciate the investigative efforts of Penn State Brandywine undergraduate student researchers Cortez Catalano (on left, first-year student) and Niles Williams (on right, second-year student). Both students were eager to engage in an experience to build up some foundational research skills, and from Fall 2022-Spring 2023 they explored the question of how historic oceanographic research vessels, including the ships part of scientific ocean drilling, are portrayed in print and online introductory oceanography textbooks. The students presented their results at the Northeastern/Southeastern Geological Society of America Meeting in March 2023 (see abstract and poster).  This OER builds upon their findings and provides a resource for a growing information gap they identified.

Several scientists generously shared their time and expertise which allowed us to author a complete snapshot of the multiple moving parts of scientific ocean drilling. We thank Gail Christeson and Jason Sylvan for filling in some of the details included in this OER.

We appreciate the assistance of Jennifer Hertzberg, IODP/JRSO DAM Administrator, in helping us find and secure images of JOIDES Resolution that are included on these pages. Additional details around scientific ocean drilling were provided by JRSO staff Kevin Grigar, William Rhinehart, and Emily Estes.

We thank JOIDES Resolution Captain Jake Robinson and Offshore Installations Manager Glenn Barrett for providing information and invaluable feedback on ship details and operations.

This OER would not have been possible without the support of the Teaching and Learning with Technology staff at Penn State University, including Wade Shumaker, Sara Davis, and Julie Meyer.

Financial support for this OER was provided through a National Science Foundation [sub-award to U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP) Novel Project] grant (May 2024-April 2025) and The Pennsylvania State University Distinguished Professor Funds for L. Guertin.



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Scientific Ocean Drilling: Exploration and Discovery through Time Copyright © 2024 by Laura Guertin; Elizabeth Doyle; and Tessa Peixoto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.