
Prior Knowledge


Research has shown that students’ prior knowledge about a subject can be both a blessing and a curse.  It is true that we learn more quickly when we can connect the dots and draw on what we already know, but what if the knowledge is faulty?  It is important for faculty to assess the accuracy of that prior knowledge before introducing new material that will impede a student’s progress.

To make the learning process efficient and reduce the learners’ cognitive load, it is important for instructors to explain clearly the relationship of new material to the knowledge previously learned and provide examples and concrete application of the new knowledge.  Prior knowledge affects how a learner organizes new information and the examples provided to them help connect and apply that new information.

By beginning a class reviewing what has been previously discussed is a simple way to refresh that knowledge and have the learner prepared to discuss new information in relationship to their prior knowledge.  It is important for faculty to remember that the learner that enters their classroom is not a blank slate but comes with prior knowledge both faulty and accurate.  What they will learn is conditioned by what they already know.






Amadieu, F., van Gog, T., Paas, F., Tricot, A., & Mariné, C. (2009). Effects of prior knowledge and concept-map structure on disorientation, cognitive load, and learning. Learning and Instruction, 19(5), 376–386. doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2009.02.005
Clarke, T., Ayres, P., & Sweller, J. (2005). The impact of sequencing and prior knowledge on learning mathematics through spreadsheet applications. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(3), 15–24. doi.org/10.1007/BF02504794
Dochy, F. J. R. C. (1992). Assessment of prior knowledge as a determinant for future learning: The use of prior knowledge state tests and knowledge profiles. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Lemma B. V.
Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). Eight ways to promote generative learning. Educational Psychology Review, 28(4), 717–741. doi.org/10.1007/s10648-015-9348-9
Kalyuga, S. (2013). Effects of learner prior knowledge and working memory limitations on multimedia learning. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83(1965), 25–29. doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.005
Ollerenshaw, A., Aidman, E., & Kidd, G. (1997). Is an illustration always worth ten thousand words? Effects of prior knowledge, learning style and multimedia illustrations on text comprehension. International Journal of Instructional Media, 24(3), 227–238.
Rias, R. M. (2013). Understanding the role of prior knowledge in a multimedia learning application,
Shapiro, A. M. (1999). The relationship between prior knowledge and interactive overviews during hypermedia-aided learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 20(2), 143–167. doi.org/10.2190/BCKU-F3AC-CNPW-M44E
Song, H. S., Kalet, A. L., & Plass, J. L. (2016). Interplay of prior knowledge, self-regulation and motivation in complex multimedia learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32(1), 31–50. doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12117



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