

Prior to lab experiences all students will review the following:

  1. Donning and Doffing of PPE —https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/using-ppe.html
  2. How to Complete Handwashing — https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html
  3. COVID-19 education
  4. PSU Policies related to COVID-19.
    1. COVID-19 Universal Masking Requirement https://ehs.psu.edu/sites/ehs/files/covid19-clothmasks.pdf
    2. What Happens if Students Test Positive https://virusinfo.psu.edu/faq/story/what-will-happen-if-when-students-test-positive
    3. Cleaning Guidelines for Laboratories and Research Facilities https://ehs.psu.edu/sites/ehs/files/cleaningguidance-laboratory.pdf
    4. Self-Monitoring https://virusinfo.psu.edu/faq/story/will-students-be-required-to-take-their-temperatures-before-attending-class


  • Lab physical contact time between students will be the minimalized with pre-lab activities and after lab activities being done remotely or while maintaining 6-foot social distancing.
  • Students should only break 6- foot social distancing when performing their lab skill for no more than 10 minutes; then return to their 6-foot social distancing. Entrance and egress of the labs will be marked with appropriate signage.


  1. Students will wear their face masks into, and for the duration of, the lab as well as maintain 6-foot social distancing when not practicing lab skills.
  2. Students will be educated on the symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 identified by the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/Please-Read.pdf
  3. Students will be responsible for self-screening prior to each class/lab. They will report their findings on the Penn State Covid-19 Symptom Checker self-screening tool. This tool can be accessed through the Penn State Go app.
  4. Students will be educated that by entering the PTA laboratory, they are confirming they are free of COVID-19 symptoms and will follow all safety procedures as outlined.
  5. Students will receive education on the correct procedure on what to do if they have a fever or demonstrate signs or symptoms of COVID-19. https://virusinfo.psu.edu/faq/story/what-will-happen-if-when-students-test-positive
  6. When demonstrating or practicing lab skills, students and faculty will perform hand hygiene and don the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as per the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to be worn by healthcare providers providing care to patients who are not suspected to have COVID-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/infection-control-recommendations.html
  7. Student will keep the same lab partners throughout the semester for all courses as possible. Each lab partner group will maintain the 6-foot social distance from other students.
  8. Students will only be close to each other for the given activity, then they are to return to 6-foot social distance
  9. All equipment and the assigned area will be disinfected after use by the students and/or faculty according to the PSU Environmental Health and Safety Cleaning Guidelines for Laboratories and Research Facilities. https://ehs.psu.edu/sites/ehs/files/cleaningguidance-laboratory.pdf prior to removal of PPE.