
Topic 1 Present Tense of Regular Verbs

Los verbos regulares y el presente

Present Tense of Regular Verbs

-ar -er -ir
yo o o o
as es es
Ud./él/ella a e e
nosotros amos emos imos
Uds./ellos/as an en en

The anatomy of a Spanish verb.

The verb in its infinitive form indicates the action or state of being, with no reference to who or what performs the action or when it is done (present, past or future tense).

  • The verb has two parts
    • The stem
    • The ending






To Speak

  • Infinitives in English are indicated by to: to speak, to eat, to live. In Spanish, all verbs in the infinitive have three endings:
    • -ar          Hablar to speak
    • -er          Comer to eat
    • -ir           Vivir to live
  • To conjugate a verb means to give the various forms of the verb the corresponding subject:
    • I speak, you speak, he/she speaks, etc.
      Yo hablo, tú hablas, él/ella habla, etc.
    • I eat, you eat, he/she eats, etc.
      Yo como, tú comes, él/ella come, etc.
    • I live, you live, he/she lives, etc.
      Yo vivo, tú vives, él/ella vive, etc.
  • There are three classifications of verbs.
    • Regular
      when conjugated into a person or tense, the stem is not impacted
    • Irregular
      when conjugated, first person singular has a “g” or a “y”
    • Regular: Stem-Changing
      when conjugated, there are changes IN the stem
  • The conjugated verbs in Spanish indicate person and tense, therefore, a personal pronoun is not needed unless you need to clarify the subject: él, ella, ellos/as.

Common regular -ar verbs in the present tense

Spanish English
necesitar to need
ahorrar to save
alquilar to rent
apagar to turn off
arreglar to arrange
aydar to help
bailar to dance
practicar to practice
borrar to erase
buscar to look for
llegar to arrive
caminar to walk
descansar to rest
celebrar to celebrate
mirar to look
estudiar to sudy
comprar to buy
contestar to answer
desear to want
disfrutar to enjoy
escuchar to listen
llorar to cry
trabajar to work
repasare to review

Common regular -er verbs in the present tense

Spanish English
aprender to lear
beber to drink
comer to eat
comprender to understand
correr to run
prender to turn on
romper to break
toser to cough
vender to sell
leer to read

Common regular -ir verbs in the present tense

Spanish English
abrir to open
añadir to add
asistir to attend
describir to describe
discutir to discuss
escribir to write
interrumpir to interrupt


Read outloud the following phrases and identify the endings

Hablo español en la clase. Como vegetales todos los días. Vivo en Pensilvania
Ayudas a tu amiga. Comprendes el vocabulario. Asistes a la clase.
Baila muy bien. Bebe café caliente. Escribe poemas.
Compramos un carro rojo. Aprendemos a leer. Abrimos el libro.
Trabajan en la oficina. Leen la revista. Discuten la lección.


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