
Unit 1: Review of the Simple Past Tenses with the movie “Pan’s Labyrinth / El laberinto del fauno”

Unit 1 Review of Simple Past tenses :   with movie director Guillermo del Toro
El laberinto del fauno,   movie by director Guillermo del Toro




  1. To remember the vocabulary related to movies including genres, people involved in moviemaking,  as well as fairy tale characters such as princess, king, queen, and the weather
  2. To understand the story of the princess in Pan’s Labyrinth including the characters in the story, their motivations, the development of the story and its conclusion.
  3. To analyze the simple past tenses in the story to determine if they are Imperfect or Preterite and why each one is used.
  4. To apply the knowledge of this fairy tale to formulate different possibilities according to different narrators: the king, the princess, a person accompanying the princess.
  5. to write your own short fairy tale.


Biografía:  Guillermo del Toro


Biografía: Guillermo del Toro


Busca datos básicos:   ¿Cuál es su apellido?  ¿De dónde es?  ¿Cuándo nació?  ¿Dónde nació?   ¿Qué películas dirigió?  ¿Qué le pasó a su padre en 1998?  ¿Qué compañía fundó?

Otros datos que tú piensas que son interesantes:



Interpretive Performance Assessment:  IPA

La película “El laberinto del fauno”

Watch this movie clip and discuss the following vocabulary:




A. Interpretive Task:

New Vocabulary:

Understood from context

Translated with dictionary



El reino

El mundo

La brisa

La vigilancia







Burlar la vigilancia


borrar de la memoria



Conditional Tense:

regresaría =  she would return

esperaría =  he would wait


First,  listen to the text three times.  In groups, let’s divide the text into the three parts:

Group 1 reviews the use of the Imperfect tense and the vocabulary that is difficult to understand in the first paragraph.

Group 2 reviews the use of the Preterit tense and the vocabulary that is difficult to understand in the second paragraph.

Group 3 reviews the use of the Imperfect tense in the third paragraph. The instructor can address the Conditional form.


In the Imperfect Past Tense:

Cuentan que hace mucho, mucho tiempo, en el reino subterráneo, donde no existe la mentira ni el dolor, vivía una princesa que soñaba con el mundo de los humanos.  Soñaba con el cielo azul, la brisa suave y el brillante sol.


In the Preterit Past Tense:

Un día, burlando toda vigilancia, la princesa escapó.  Una vez en el exterior, la luz del sol la cegó y borró de su memoria cualquier indicio del pasado.  La princesa olvidó todo.  Su cuerpo sufrió frío,  enfermedad y dolor.  Y al correr de los años . . murió.


Imperfect Past Tense and Conditional Tense:

Sin embargo su padre,  el Rey, sabía que el alma de la princesa regresaría.

Quizá en otro cuerpo, en otro tiempo y en otro lugar.  Y él la esperaría hasta su último aliento, hasta que el mundo dejara de girar . . .”

Answer the following questions:

What are the main themes of this story?  Who are the main characters?   When does this story take place?  Where does this story take place?

What is the structure of the story?  What happens first?  Second?  Finally?

What is the main idea?  What are some supporting details of each paragraph?

What happens at the end?

Who is the narrator? 1st person,  3 person?

B. Interpersonal Reading Task:

Discuss with a group:

From the point of view of Ofelia,   what happened?  (Yo)

From the point of view of Ofelia’s father,  what happened?    (Ella)

From the point of view of a companion that went along with Ofelia on her journey,  what happened?  (Nosotros)

C.Presentational Task:  

Write your own fairy tail from a specific point of view incorporating a minimum of five vocabulary words/ expressions.




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