
Topic 7 The Family and Possessive Adjectives

Los adjectivos posesivos
Possesive adjectives

A table that displays possessive adjectives in spanish, followed by the english translation.
mi(s) my
tu(s) (informal) your
su(s) (formal) your
su(s) his, her
su(s) its
nuestro/a(s) our
 sus their
A table that displays examples of the “Mi” possessive adjective.
mi padre
mi madre
mis padres
A table that displays examples of the “Tu” possessive adjective.
tu padre
tu madre
tus padres
A table that displays examples of the “Su” possessive adjective.
su padre
su madre
A table that displays examples of the “Nuestro” possessive adjective.
nuestro padre
nuestra madre
nuestros padres
A table that displays examples of the “Sus” possessive adjective.
sus padres
sus madres
Vocabulario Vocabulary
A table that displays spanish vocabulary words about family members, followed by the english translation.



el abuelo / la abuela / los abuelos grandfather / grandmother / grandparents
el padre / la madre / los padres father / mother / parents
el hermano / la hermana / los hermanos brother / sister / siblings
el tío / la tía / los tíos uncle(s) / aunt(s)
el primo / la prima / los primos cousin(s)
el esposo / la esposa / los esposos husband / wife / spouses
el hijo / la hija / los hijos son / daughter / children
el sobrino / la sobrina / los sobrinos nephew(s) / niece(s)
casado / casada married
divorciado divorced


I. Use the model of my family tree below to design your own tree.

A family Tree with three rows of relatives, signifying 3 generations of family members. The top row has three boxes. The left box is labeled "Ernesto Serrano" the middle box is labeled "Mis abuelos" and has two arrows. One arrow points to the right, and one arrow points to the left. The right box is labeled "Jesús Martinez". This top row shows the joining of the two families at the oldest generations level via the arrows on the middle box. The middle row contains 5 boxes. On the very left is a box labeled "Ernestina. Serrano López". the box to the right of that is labeled "Bienvenido. Serrano López." The middle box is labeled "mis padres" and has two arrows just like the middle box in the top row signifying the two families joining. the box to the right of the middle box is labeled "Emilia. Martinez Albert" the final box for this row, to the very right is labeled "Efrain. Martinez Albert". In the boxes to the immediate left and right of the middle box in the middle row are hearts featured above the right and left boxes. The heart above the immediate left box in the middle row is labeled "Hijo" and the one above the box to the immediate right is labeled "mija". The bottom row has 3 boxes just like the top row. The left box is labeled "Ana Ivette. Serrano Martinez" the middle box is labeled "las hermanas" and has two arrows pointing to both sides of the family tree, as the other two rows did. the right box is labeled "Gisela. Serrano Martinez". In between the middle row and the bottom row are three objects. One object is a heart and is labeled "sus hijas" and is located directly under the second rows middle box, and directly above the third rows middle box. Underneath the farthest left box in the middle row is a circle labeled "mi tía". Underneath the box farthest to the right in the middle row is a circle labeled "mi tío". On the bottom row there is a circle placed to the right of the box farthest to the right. This circle is labeled "mi hermana"
An image of what an average sized family tree might look like.


Mi padre se llama Bienvenido. Los padres de mi padre se llaman Ernesto y Monse.Ellos son mis abuelos, son de Puerto Rico. Son puertorriqueños.

Mi madre se llama Emilia. Los padres de mi madre se llaman Jesús y Leonor.

Tengo una hermana. Mi hermana se llama Gisela.

Mi abuela Leonor tiene dos (2) nietas, Ana y Gisela.

Mi madre tiene un (1) hermano. Él es mi tío y se llama Efraín.

Mi padre tiene una (1) hermana. Ella es mi tía y se llama Ernestina.

Mis abuelos, Ernesto y Monse tienen dos (2) hijos, Ernestina y Bienvenido.

Mis abuelos, Jesús y Leonor tienen dos hijos, Emilia y Efraín.

Nuestra familia es pequeña. Nuestra familia es puertorriqueña.



Fill in the blanks in a Word Doc. or a page of notebook paper.


A table that displays a question in Spanish, followed by the beginning of a response with a blank space to be filled, making the response correct.
¿Cómo se llama tu padre? Mi padre se llama .
¿Cuántos años tiene tu padre? Mi padre tiene años.
¿Cómo se llama tu madre? Mi madre se llama .
¿Cuántos años tiene tu madre? Mi madre tiene años.
¿Cómo se llaman los padres de tu madre? Mis abuelos se llaman .
¿Cómo se llaman los padres de tu padre? Mis abuelos se llaman .
¿Tienes hermanos siblings? Tengo hermanos/as.
¿Cómo se llaman tus hermanos? Mi hermano se llama.
¿Cómo es tu familia? Mi familia (no) es .


III. With a classmate, take turns and ask each other the questions above from exercise.

La Familia

A family tree shows grandparents, their children and grandchildren.
La Familia


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Spanish 001 Copyright © 2017 by Ana Ivette Serrano and Gisela Serrano-Lebrón is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.