Title 31 Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A, Part 10, 31 U.S.C. § 330.
The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) At-a-Glance, Internal Revenue Service (July 23, 2020).
Final Rule: Implementation of Standards of Professional Conduct for Attorneys, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Sept. 26, 2003).
Rule 1.7 Conflict of Interest: Current Clients – Comment, American Bar Association (Jan. 12, 2021).
Jacob Jeifa, A Good Board is Worth the Investment for Your Growing Business, Inside Entrepreneurship Law, (Oct. 12, 2020).
Felix J. Bronstein, The Lawyer as Director of the Corporate Client in the Wake of Sarbanes-Oxley, 23 Journal of Law & Commerce 53 (2004) quoting John F. X. Peloso & Irwin H. Warren, The Lawyer-Director, Implications for Independence, 1998 ABA Section on Litigation Report of the Task Force on the Independent Lawyer 14.