
The Importance of Blogging

Blogging can take on various forms but our focus is going to be on providing legal guidance, or highlighting legal news/issues. Many entrepreneurs seek guidance on the law and other topics via the internet. I became an attorney to help people. Sharing your knowledge with those who will benefit from hearing it is an important part of our obligation to society.

Law firms use blogging as a potential way to get new clients and to keep their clients up to date. For example, take a look at Stock and Leader’s website and how prominent their News & Blogs section is. The Blogs page is designed for engagement with anyone who stops by their site. I was told by a fairly recent graduate that one of the reasons his current firm was impressed with him (and ultimately hired him) is due to his blog writing ability. You can see that firms find blog writing a valuable skill!

Blogging provides visibility for you as a professional and for the organization you are affiliated with. It gives you and your organization something to post on social media, and a reason to reach out to clients. “Hey, did you hear about this new law change? I just blogged about it. Perhaps we should update your Employee Handbook to accommodate this recent law change.” So overall, firms use blogs in three ways to build their practice: gaining credibility, educating about the law, and generating business. See, Brian A. Craddock, 2009: A Blawg Odyssey: Exploring How the Legal Community is Using Blogs and How Blogs are Changing the Legal Community, 60 Mercer L. Rev. 1353, 1371 (2009).

💡Consider other ways that blogging can be important.


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To the extent possible under law, Samantha Prince has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Entrepreneurship Law: Operational Issues, except where otherwise noted.