
Types of Entrepreneurs – Based on Motivations

The Traditional (Capitalist) Entrepreneur

The Capitalist or Traditional Entrepreneur is exactly who you think they are; they are the for-profit entrepreneur.

The Social Entrepreneur

The Social Entrepreneur is someone who overcomes, or attempts to overcome, civic problems through innovative methods. In many jurisdictions, including Pennsylvania, an entrepreneur can organize their business as a “benefit” company to affirm such goals. Alternatively, one can set up a non-profit.

The Policy Entrepreneur

The Policy Entrepreneur promotes new forms of legislation or government action.

The Norm Entrepreneur

The Norm Entrepreneur seeks to change the way society thinks or feels about an issue.

The Moral Entrepreneur

The Moral Entrepreneur tries to alter the boundaries of altruism or deviance.


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To the extent possible under law, Samantha Prince has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Entrepreneurship Law: Operational Issues, except where otherwise noted.