
Unit 1 Assignments

Assignment 1

Go to this website

  • Read the overview about data flow diagrams and context diagrams. (There is no need for you to start a trial.)
  • Click on the link and read “Here is a comprehensive look…” in the Symbols and notations section of the overview.
  • Click on the link and read about Logical DFD’s vs Physical DFD’s in the Section Logical DFD vs. Physical DFD section of the overview.
  • The article offers you 4 rules for Data flow Diagrams, can you provide at least 1 more?  Bring with you to class on Thursday to discuss.
    1. Each process should have at least one input and an output.
    2. Each data store should have at least one data flow in and one data flow out.
    3. Data stored in a system must go through a process.
    4. All processes in a DFD go to another process or a data store.


Assignment 2

Complete the following:


  1. Select 3 organizations (at least 1 commercial enterprise- for profit) that you are acquainted with in some way (Customer, Employee, etc.) craft a mission and vision statement for them based on what you know. For each go to the internet and research to find their actual mission and vision, compare to yours.  Write 1 paragraph on each explaining what you wrote, and how they matched or didn’t with the actual ones, if you are able to find them.


  1. Using your individual knowledge, prepare a draft vision statement for Penn State Abington. Using your individual knowledge, prepare a draft mission statement for Penn State Abington. Explain how these two statements are related.
  2. formal organization is one that is created and published by (various levels of) management. An informal organization is one that is often created by groups of employees to address workplace situations that prohibit them from doing the work assigned to them in a satisfactory manner.  What are some of the reasons that an informal organization could form?  What steps should management take to address the issues raised by the creation of an informal organization?  What things could management do to avoid situations where informal organizations form?