
Hardware Data Virtualization

We store data in a binary format. Data is stored in bits, or on and off switches, similar to the light switches shown below:

An illustration representing on and off bytes in the form of light switches.

Remixed from “White Light Switch Cover” by OpenClipart

Public Domain



8 Bits can then be used to represent any letter or number. and from there you can see how we derive the other data metrics you are used to.

Optional Viewing: For a more detailed discussion of binary and hexadecimal values and how they are represented see the video Computer Architecture


A table showing different names and definitions for different amounts of bytes.
Term Definition Abbreviation
Byte Number of bits to represent one character
Kilobyte 1,024 bytes K
Megabyte 1,024 K = 1,048,576 bytes MB
Gigabyte 1,024 MB = 1,073,741,824 bytes GB
Terabyte 1,024 GB = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes TB
Petabyte 1,024 TB = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes PB
Exabyte 1,024 PB = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes EB
Zetabyte 1,024 PB = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 bytes ZB


How Fast will Data Move?


  • You want to move a 400 GB File
  • Your office network is 100 Mbs
  • How long will it take?





Answer:  one measure is an absolute size 400GB the other is a rate 100mbs

  • 400 GB * 1,073,741,824 Bytes = 429,496,729,600 bytes that have to be moved
  • * 8 bits per byte = 3,435,973,836,800 bits
  • Can move 100 Mbs = 1024*1024 *100 = 104,857,600 bits per second                                   =  3,435,973,836,800bits / 104,857,600 bits per second = 32,768 seconds
  • 32,768/60 = 546 Minutes =9 hours Theoretical Speed

If you have instead a Gigabit connection?

  • = 10x faster




A flowchart diagram showing how the memory in a computer is used, and how it is proccessed and outputted

Client Server

Client Computer

  • User based applications
  • Word Processing
  • Spreadsheet
  • PDF
  • Picture
  • Network Connection
  • Client OS Windows, MAC, iOS, Android


  • Specialized
  • Service based – often single app e.g. Mail, File server, Accounting Package
  • Host connections from multiple clients
  • Power
  • Server OS


Two Tier

Client sends requests to server, server returns results from DBMS after request execute

Title: Client Server 2 Tier Architecture

Author: Michael Bakni


License:  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International



Client sends requests to application server, server returns results from DBMS after request execute traverses through the data server.

Title: Client Server 3 Tier Architecture

Author: Michael Bakni


License:  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International



Three Tier

Three Tiered Client Server. Network: Presentation, Application Logic, Data

Remix from Three Tiered Marketing Presentation
By Royyan Wijaya, ID
Creative Commons 0 (CC BY)



Thin Vs. Thick Clients


  • App Loaded on the Client
  • Uses some amount of CPU and Memory Resources
  • Credentialing, License
  • Business Logic
  • Has to boot up


  • Browser or RDS/Terminal Services
  • Nothing else loaded on Client
  • Credentialed sign on at Server
  • Licenses measured at Server
  • Nothing to boot up besides browser fast load
  • SaaS
  • Easier to Port app?


Terminal Services and Remote Desktop Services




A table showing Non-mobile clients, their operating systems, what they are used for, and remarks.
Operating System Used For Remarks
Windows Personal Computer Clients Most widely used operating system in business. Current version is Windows 10. Includes a touch interface.
MAC OS Macintosh Clients First used by graphic artists and others in the arts community; now used more widely. First desktop OS to provide a touch interface. Current version is the MAC OS X El Capitan.
UNIX Workstation Clients Popular on powerful client computers used in engineering, computer-assisted design, architecture. Difficult for the nontechnical user. Almost never used by business clients.
Linux Just about anything Open-source variant of UNIX. Adapted to almost every type of computing device. On a PC, used with LibreOffice application software. Rarely used by business clients.


A table showing mobile clients, their operating systems, what they are used for, and remarks.
Operating System Used For Remarks
Symbian Nokia, Samsung, and other phones Popular worldwide, but less so in North America
Blackberry OS Research in Motion Blackberries Device and OS developed for use by business. Very popular in beginning, but losing market share to iOS and Android
iOS iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Rapidly increasing installed base with success of the iPhone and iPad, Based on MAC OS X
Android Samsung, Google HTC, and Sony smartphones and tablets Linux0based phone/tablet operating sustem from Google. Rapidly increasing market share.


A table showing Servers, their operating systems, what they are used for, and remarks.
Operating System Used For Remarks
Windows Server Servers Used by businesses with a strong commitment to Microsoft.
Unix Servers Fading from use. Replaced by Linux
Linux Servers Very popular, aggressively pushed by IBM


Commercial Off The Shelf Software

  • Microsoft Office
  • MS Dynamics
  • SAP
  • NetSuite
  • Adobe Acrobat


Not Commercial Off The Shelf Software

  • 80-85 rule

Lets talk about virtualization. The ides of a file server being stored as a file has brought huge change to our industry.  Let’s take a peek at how it works from a high level viewpoint.