
Chapter 6: Measuring and Manipulating Emotions

Summary of Measuring and Manipulating Emotions

This chapter viewed two common ways researchers measure emotions – through self-report and facial expression changes. The next chapter will focus on more physiological and brain-related changes. This chapter discussed the difference between measuring emotions in a correlational design versus manipulating the experiences of an emotion to assess how this emotion changes other components. Finally, the third part of the chapter explained emotion coherence. Remember, when researchers manipulate emotions and can show the emotion components are coherent – this provides further validation that they truly elicited the correct emotion. But, as Irene Mauss discusses in the video below, obtaining emotion coherence can be quite difficult!


Yale Expert Interview: Below is an interview with Dr. Iris Mauss on emotion coherence.  While watching this video (Start at: 2:21; Stop at: 11:40), consider the below questions:

QUESTION 1: When measuring emotion, why does Mauss suggest that we measure more than one emotion component?

QUESTION 2: Why is only using self-report measures to measure emotion a problem?

QUESTION 3: Describe one example that Mauss gives of how emotions could be INCOHERENT/DISSOCIATED.

QUESTION 4: According to Mauss, individual differences exist in people’s tendency to show coherent or dissociated emotion patterns.  How does a tendency to experience dissociated emotions impact people’s health?