
Chapter 14 – Emotion Regulation

Chapter 14 Learning Objectives

  • What is the definition of emotion regulation (ER)?
  • Why do people regulate their emotions?
  • Differentiate between the five broad categories of emotion regulation in the process model of emotion regulation: situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, cognitive change, and response modulation.
  • Why is expressive writing an effective attentional deployment strategy?
  • Discuss the evidence for expressive writing as a treatment for 1) depression and anxiety, and 2) test anxiety.
  • Compare and contrast the types of cognitive change strategies. Which of these strategies (rumination, distraction, and reappraisal) are effective?
  • Compare and contrast the types of response modulation strategies.
  • Explain expressive suppression. How does expressive suppression impact our memory, our expressions, and our self-reported negative emotions?  How does expressive suppression impact our relationship interactions?
  • Discuss the outcomes of suppressing and reappraising positive emotions.
  • Explain emotional thought suppression. How does thought suppression impact our thoughts and our self-reported negative emotions?
  • Compare the consequences of suppression and reappraisal. Explain the difference between sub-vocal monitoring, the rebound effect, and regulatory depletion.
  • How do the effects of suppression vary with culture?
  • According to Webb’s (2012) meta-analysis, which emotion regulation strategies work the best?
  • How does our brain change during emotion regulation in general?
  • Compare and contrast how our brain changes during reappraisal and suppression.